XAMPP是跨平台服务器集成环境,整合Apache+MySQL+PHP+Perl四大核心组件,支持Windows/Linux/macOS系统,适用于本地开发测试、教学演示及小型项目部署。其2025版强化了安全模块,默认集成Let's Encrypt证书管理工具23。
`password` varchar(200) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`username`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Step 7 Put your Webpage files into the destination folder. Default folder is c:/xampp/htdocs. Step 8 Open the bracket(IDE) and create the login.php file. Copy the code given below...
<user username="tomcat" password="s3cret" roles="manager-gui"/> 三、安装XAMPP,启动“Apache”“MySQL”① 安装XAMPP:运行“C:/xampp/setup_xampp.bat”② 打开XAMPP控制面板:运行“C:/xampp/xampp-control.exe”③ 启动“Apache”“MySQL”:分别勾选前面的框,再分别点击“Start”,成功后显示“Running” ...
Admin username(to create database if required):root Admin password:root Print SQL Queries instead of Writing to the Database:不选择 点击按钮 ,生成数据库和表如下图所示。注意:这时已产生一个管理员帐号:administrator/root. 点击Continue,进入到登录界面(如下图),这样Mantis的安装就完成了。最后用Administra...
“Admin Username (to create Database if required)” 栏目输入 ROOT, “ Admin Password (to create 9、Database if required)”输入 ROOT 密码。点击“In stall/Upgrade Database”进行安装,安装完成后,右则标签全为绿色 GOOD。5、再次在地址栏中输入 http:/localhost:90/ma ntis/ 面。初始用户名为“ ...
Story Topic: Open Source Release Comments looks like John fixed it Please Help Support Us Please considermaking a donationso we can keep bringing you great software. User login Username* Password* Create new account Request new password