XAMPP Control Panel News[14. August, 2009] The following versions are available: [2.3] [2.4] [2.5 (source code included)] FeaturesThis small Windows GUI/Console app lets you start up to four XAMPP modules. It has the advantage that it can be closed after starting any of the modules and...
After finishing the wizard, check the ‘start the control panel now’ option and then click on the ‘Finish’ button. This will launch the XAMPP Control Panel app. Using the XAMPP app, you can run Apache web server as your local server and MySQL as your database server. Go ahead and c...
下载完之后就是打开xampp安装工具,进行安装 1.jpg 如果没有其他的特殊需求,我们可以把所有的选项都选上 2.jpg 点击下一步,选择安装路径,这里,博主直接选择默认路径 6.jpg 然后就是一直点击下一步,知道完成就好了 安装成功后,依次“开始”——“xampp”——“xampp control panel” 打开xampp 控制面板 因为博主使...
In addition, the Control Panel has quick-access buttons to open the shell command-line utility, XAMPP installation folder, and services and to close the app. Finally, you can access the logs section to see what happens whenever you start a module or change a setting. This is the first pla...
安装完之后有一个XAMPP Control Panel有各种配置,包括start、stop、config。 直接点start启动Apache即可。 安装完XAMPP后,启动xampp-control.exe,状态正常后。访问http://localhost/xampp查看状态,状态OK的话,把你自己的网站程序拷贝到C:xampphtdocyoursite目录。(我假设你的安装目录是C:xampp,你的网站目录yoursite)然...
8、在弹出的“完成安装窗口”中,勾选“Do you want to start the Control Panel Now?”前的勾(允许安装完毕后打开XAMPP的控制面板),然后点击“Finish按钮”完成安装; 9、在弹出的“语言选择窗口”中,选择美国国旗,然后点击“Save按钮”,表示采用默认的美式英语重当界面语言; xampp启动服务1、在出现的“XAMPP控制...
问题描述1、在 XAMPP 中无法启动 APACHE,错误提示信息如下:13:52:55[main] InitializingControlPanel13:52:55[main] WindowsVersion:Windows7UltimateSP164-bit13:52:55[main] XAMPPVersion:1.8.113:52:55[main] ControlPanelVersion:[Compiled:September20th2012]13:52:55[main] Runningwith...
No XAMPP Control Panel v3.2.4, o Mysql não inicia mais. Registra a seguinte mensagem... 10:39:44 [mysql] Attempting to start MySQL app... 10:39:44 [mysql] Status change detected: running 10:39:46 [mysql] Status change detected: stopped ...
2、打开XAMPP Control Panel 在XAMPP控制面板中,我们可以看到Service一列的单选框略有不同,“X”表示相应组件还没有设为Windows系统服务;“空白”表示没有安装该组件;此外还有“√”,表示该组件已经安装成为Windows系统服务,可以start。 3、修改Apache的端口号 ...
Unless you extracted directly to the root drive (e.g. C:\), launchsetup_xampp.batto adjust paths. Launchxampp-control.exeto run the control panel or start the different servers with the corresponding start/stop batch files. Similar/alternative apps:Uniform Server,Abyss Webserver X1...