因为安装了一个插件叫做【XAML STYLER FOR VISUAL STUDIO 2022】如果你没有安装2022那么说直接搜索xaml styler即可 声明语法 我们知道<Window>叫做标签 那么说标签里边那些什么等于什么的叫什么呢,那些叫做属性,当然了你要是熟悉xml的话也就不用赘述。我们首先看其中包含了有两种 第一种如Title=“MainWindow”这种xxx=...
2022年3月11日 Dave Grochocki 和 Nico Vermeir 會炫耀 XAML Styler,這是一個 Visual Studio 延伸模組,可根據一組樣式規則來格式化 XAML 原始程式碼。 章 00:00 - XAML Styler 擴充功能的簡介和概觀 03:00 - XAML 樣式器基本功能 05:00 - 使用 XAML Styler 作為小組的一部分 08:30 - 屬性排序 10:30...
XAML Styler is a visual studio extension that formats XAML source code based on a set of styling rules. This tool can help you/your team maintain a better XAML coding style as well as a much better XAML readability. DocumentationScript IntegrationRelease NotesContributing ...
A continuation of the original XAML styler plugin found onhttp://xamlstyler.codeplex.com. This fork has been created to have support for Visual Studio 2013 and future versions for this great plugin. To support the efforts by the original author, this fork of the plugin will only support Visu...
在项目的根目录创建一个名为"Settings.XamlStyler"的文件(不必引入到项目中),内容可参考Default Configuration,XAML Styler会根据这个文件而不是Visual Studio中的全局配置进行格式化,既解决了项目的统一格式化标准问题,也允许开发人员按照自己的习惯开发非团队项目。
Extension for Visual Studio - "XAML Styler" is a visual studio 2012 extension, which makes XAML markup source code beautify much easier by sorting the attributes based on their importance. This tool can help you/your team maintain a better XAML coding s
我们需要投票:https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/idea/1078375/editorconfig-support-for-xaml-files.html 1 它可能不在 中.editorconfig,但使用Visual Studio 的XAML Styler或XAML Styler 2022扩展,您可以在Settings.XamlStyler文件中定义 XAML 样式,就像使用.editorconfig文件一样。
See thefull starting guidefor more in-depth information. This quick guide assumes you have already created a WPF project and are using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022. Install the toolkit through the visual NuGet package manager in Visual Studio or use the following command: ...
Thank you for this great plugin. Our team has been using it for nearly a year in Visual Studio. We recently switched to using Rider for our primary IDE and it was very nice to have the same plugin available in Rider. I only deducted a star because the plugin stopped working when I up...
本周,詹姆斯加入了节目的朋友和 Microsoft MVPNico Vermeir炫耀一个 Visual Studio,将改变我们的生活。XAML 样式器。 这是一种最终样式工具,可帮助你使 XAML for Xamarin.Forms 超级漂亮! **在录制 Visual Studio for Mac 版本的 XAML 样式器发布后不久! 查看: https://github.com/Xavalon/XamlStyler** ...