下载地址: Chocolateminecraft地址(官方MOD): https://chocolateminecraft.com/minimapdownload.php (小地图) https://chocolateminecraft.com/worldmap.php (世界地图) Curseforge地址(官方MOD): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xaeros-minimap (小地图) ...
Xaero的世界地图 Xaero’s World Map Mod由作者“xaero96”所制作。 自动缓存的世界地图:不同服务器、世界分开储存。(于Mods文件夹下) 人机交互界面:默认”M”键打开世界地图。模拟谷歌地图,使用鼠标移动地图并且使用鼠标滚轮放大/缩小地图。 100%支持材质包:客户端更换材质包后地图内的材质也会全部更换而不仅是更换...
我的世界的Xaero'sWorldMap和MiniMap模组,版本应该没有限制,是用目前最新的版本翻译的。 部分内容可能不准确 能用就行٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ 下载链接: 😍 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1shC2wbyt6oDFYrY1z75Feg?pwd=coco 提取码: coco ════════════════════ 使用方法...
Xaero's World Map DownloadsRead Changelogs Can't see the latest version? Refresh the page.Version Date Minecraft Version Download 1.39.3 (Latest) 25/01/31 1.21.4 (NeoForge) Download (.jar) or mirror 1.39.3 (Latest) 25/01/31 1.21.4 (Forge) Download (.jar) or mirror 1.39.3 (...
XaerosWorldMap_1.29.5_Forge_1.16.5.jar Supported Versions 1.16.5 1.16.4 1.16.3 1.16.2 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:xaeros-world-map-317780:4470070") Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does...
Xaero的世界地图模组(Xaero's World Map)为你的Minecraft客户端添加了一个自写全屏地图,作为一个独立的我的世界里的模组,但是如果和Xaero的小地图一起使用效果会更好,这款模组单独提供给玩家也是为了能够让Xaero的小地图尽可能的小巧轻便。 Xaero的世界地图 Xaero's World Map Mod ...
Xaero's Minimapintegration. The minimap mod will display chunks provided by the world map. The world map mod will display waypoints from the Xaero's Minimap mod. Also works with theBetter PVP mod. You can create, edit andteleport to the waypointswithout leaving the map interface. ...
Commit * 更新 Xaero's WorldMap 翻译 * 调整格式,减少差异 * 更新原文语言文件 projects/1.16-fabric/assets/xaeros-world-map/xaeroworldmap/lang/en_us.json
禁用后,只能通过XaeroWorldMap文件夹中特定于世界的配置文件重新启用。 路径点传送在完整路径点菜单选项中单独配置。", "gui.xaero_wm_right_click_map_teleport_not_allowed" : "§8(传送)已禁用", "gui.xaero_wm_option_requires_minimap" : "该选项需要 Xaero's Minimap 模组。", "gui.xaero_wm_opt...
This new world map has some pretty great full screen viewing options as well. When you pull up the full screen map you will see your surroundings like you would expect but you also get to see your coordinates as well as where you currently are on the map. It’s perfectly zoomable to ...