3、关闭“系统还原”:鼠标右健单击桌面上的“我的电脑”,选择“属性”,找到“系统还原”,如果你不是老噼里啪啦安装一些软件(难道你比我还厉害??),你也可以去掉,这样可以节省好多空间。 4.关闭“休眠支持”:因为休眠功能占的硬碟空间蛮大的, 所以关闭比较好, 控制台-->电源选项-->休眠(不要打勾)(注:我觉...
4,000 Views If you're having issues with the chipset and USB host controller, you can only download the drivers directly from your motherboard manufacturer website. Here's the direct link to where to download the drivers: https://www.asus.com/uk/supportonly/x99-deluxe/he...
ID 8D3C Vendor Details Intel Corporation Type Information ID 8086 Drivers Sorry, no drivers found for this device. Vendor Devices Type Vendor ID Vendor Name Device ID Device Name More PCI 8086 Intel Corporation f1a7 SSD 700p Series Vendor Device PCI 8086 Intel Corporation f1aa SSD 670p Serie...
Update nvidia latest web drivers. Set patch 1 Change 15 Port Limit To 30 in XHCI Kext 10.12(99-series) Set patch 2 5960XPatch 10.12 by Brumbaer Creative Sound worked with AppleALC.kext Install X99_Injector USB 3.kext and set your DSDT XHC to XHCI You...
(/ ) 42 2-4 System Information ( ) 54 2-5 BIOS Features (BIOS) 55 2-6 Peripherals () 58 2-7 Chipset ( ) 60 2-8 Power Management () 63 2-9 Save Exit () 65 SATA67 3-1 SATA 67 3-2 SATA RA ID/AHCI 79 - 4 - 83 4-1 Chipset Drivers ( ) 83 4-2 Application Software...
0:100 0:000 Build with: [Args: -mc --no-usb -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -D CHECK_...
(+) create mode 100644 .gitignore create mode 100644 Drivers/AudioDxe.efi create mode 100644 Drivers/OpenCanopy.efi create mode 100644 Drivers/OpenRuntime.efi create mode 100644 Drivers/ResetNvramEntry.efi create mode 100644 OpenCore.efi create mode 100644 config.plist diff --git a/.gitign...
4,032 Views If you're having issues with the chipset and USB host controller, you can only download the drivers directly from your motherboard manufacturer website. Here's the direct link to where to download the drivers: https://www.asus.com/uk/supportonly/x9...
(/ ) 42 2-4 System Information ( ) 54 2-5 BIOS Features (BIOS) 55 2-6 Peripherals () 58 2-7 Chipset () 60 2-8 Power Management () 63 2-9 Save Exit () 65 SATA 67 3-1 SATA 67 3-2 SATA RAID/AHCI 79 - 4 - 83 4-1 Chipset Drivers ( ) 83 4-2 Application Software (...