第44部分-Linux x86 64位汇编SIMD整数 单指令多数据(SIMD, Single Instruction Multiple Data)。 MMX整数 提供3种新的整数类型。 64位打包字节整数。 64位打包字整数。 64位打包双字节整数。 8个字节整数,4个字整数或2个双字整数都可以打包到单一的64位MMX寄存器中。 MMX寄存器被映射到FPU寄存器。 SSE整数 流化...
The flags register is a collection of single-bit flags. Many instructions alter the flags to describe the result of the instruction. These flags can then be tested by conditional jump instructions. Seex86 Flagsfor details. Calling Conventions ...
The bit instructions test and modify individual bits in operands. The byte instructions set the value of a byte operand to indicate the status of flags in the %eflags register.Table 3–6 Bit and Byte Instructions Solaris Mnemonic Intel/AMD Mnemonic Description Notes bsf{wlq} BSF bit...
.asciz 以空字符串结尾的文本字符串 .byte 字节值 .double 双精度浮点数 .float 单精度浮点数 .int 32位整数 .long 32位整数(同32) .octa 16字节整数 .quad 8字节整数 .short 16位整数 .single 单精度浮点数(和.float同) 此外汇编器使用两个命令声明缓冲: 命令 描述 .comm 声明未初始化的数据的通用内存...
.byte 字节值 .double 双精度浮点数 .float 单精度浮点数 .int 32位整数 .long 32位整数(同32) .octa 16字节整数 .quad 8字节整数 .short 16位整数 .single 单精度浮点数(和.float同) 此外汇编器使用两个命令声明缓冲: 命令 描述 .comm 声明未初始化的数据的通用内存区域 ...
Instructions that operate on the classic 32-bit or 8-bit registers tend to have the most compact encodings. Using any of the new registers (r8throughr15, orxmm8throughxmm15, or the new aliasessil,dil,splorbpl) typically requires a one-byte prefix. An instruction that operates on word-size...
1.Those that transfer a single item (byte, word, or doubleword) located in a register. 传送寄存器中的单个项目(字节、字或双字)。 1.Those that transfer strings of items (strings of bytes, words, or doublewords) located in memory. These are known as "string I/O instructions" or "block ...
SIMD(Single Instruction Multi-DATA) -单指令、多数据指令,使得多个运算可以在同一条指令内并发进行(向量运算),结构距离如下。 此为一个64位指令,存储一个数据 通常其复用浮点寄存器,如128-bit的寄存器可以同时存放2或4个浮点数(64 or 32 bits wide respectively);或者是2,4,8或16个整数,同时进行相同运算; ...
Those that transfer a single item (byte, word, or doubleword) located in a register. 传送寄存器中的单个项目(字节、字或双字)。 Those that transfer strings of items (strings of bytes, words, or doublewords) located in memory. These are known as "string I/O instructions" or "block I/O ...
The CALL instruction in x86 plays the role of the MIPS subroutine call instructions, jal and jalr. The single operand of a CALL can be either direct or indirect; indirect operands are preceded by an asterisk: The CALL instruction pushes the return address onto the stack before changing the ...