x64(short for x86-64) is an instruction set architecture based on x86, extended to enable 64-bit code. It was first released in 2000, introducing two modes of operation - the 64-bit mode and the compatibility mode, which allows users to run 16-bit and 32-bit applications as well. Sin...
windows x86(64-bit) 与 windows x64 操作系统是一个概念,是相同的操作系统,都是64位。在计算机架构中,64位整数、内存地址或其他数据单元,是指它们最高达到64位(8字节)宽。此外,64位CPU和算术逻辑单元架构是以寄存器、内存总线或者数据总线的大小为基准,64 位CPU在1960年代,便已存在于超级计...
x86-64 is a 64-bit superset of the x86 instruction set architecture. Because the x86-64 instruction set is a superset of the x86 instruction set, all instructions in the x86 instruction set can be executed by central processing units (CPUs) that implement the x86-64 instruction set; therefor...
1、i386是32位微处理器的统称;x86-64( 又称x64,即英文词64-bit extended,64位拓展 的简写)是x86架构的64位拓展,向后兼容于16位及32位的x86架构。2、发行公司上,i386是英特尔(Intel)公司发行,x86-64是由AMD设计。3、发布时间上,i386最初发布于1985年10月17日,x86-64是在1999年设计...
and 64-bit version of shell extension in 64-bit mode. Other files can be the same for 32-bit and 64-bit modes or different. Also you can create completely different installers for different architectures. For example, to create installer specially for 64-bit architecture you need to specify...
The SQL*Plus command line tool for SQL and PL/SQL queries (4,758,024 bytes) (cksum - 2096819543) Tools Package (ZIP) instantclient-tools-linux.x64- Includes Data Pump, SQL*Loader and Workload Replay Client (1,442,326 bytes) (cksum - 4092696648) ...
amd64=x86_64=x64 64bit的CPU都做了向下兼容32bit的特殊设计,所以在64bit CPU上运行32bit的软件(kernel、app、driver)是没有问题的。反之则不行。 温故知新,计算机CPU架构AMD64、Intel 64、X86-64背后的故事 我们熟知的Windows系统的X64其实是对X86-64的缩写,这个标准最早是由AMD提出的,所以另外一个名称叫AM...
Intel把支持32位的 x86指令集架构命名为ia-32(Intel Architecture 32bit)。实际上由于32位x86处理器的...
Compared to Windows 7 Home Premium, the Professional edition offers more support for RAM and CPU. The 32-bit version of Windows 7 Professional supports up to 4 GB of RAM, while the 64-bit version supports up to 192 GB of RAM, and can support up to two physical processors in the ...
主要记录X86_64位CPU经常出现的寄存器 通用寄存器 (general register)通用寄存器是平时运行程序会使用到的寄存器,也是最多接触的寄存器 64-bit32-bit16-bit8-bit (low)RAXEAXAXALRBXEBXBXBLRCXECXCXCLRDXEDXDXDLR…