比如想根据平台不同可选择不同的安装文件,运行在x86平台上的Windows 32bit OS只能安装32bit文件,而运行在x64平台上的Windows 64bit OS则可以选择安装32bit或64bit(x64),但是运行在x64平台上的Windows 32bit OS又只能安装32bit了,最后,运行在IA64平台上的Windows 64bit则可以选择安装32bit和64bit(IA64)。
2.12协议:在struct boot_params中增加了xloadflags字段和扩展字段,用于在64bit中加载bzImage和4G以上的ramdisk。 2.13协议:kernel 3.14 支持在xloadflags中设置32位和64位标志,以支持从32位EFI引导64位内核 2.14协议:有问题,假设同 2.13 2.15协议:kernel 5.5 增加kernel_info和kernel_info.setup_type_max。 只有当...
(32位:8个通用寄存器,包括EBP和ESP)64-bit: 16 GPRs, including RBP and RSP(64位:16个通用寄存器,包括RBP和RSP) Floating point(浮点运算) 16-bit: optional separate x87 FPU(16位:可选的独立x87浮点单元)32-bit: optional separate or integrated x87 FPU, integrated SSE units in later processors(...
eax 寄存器用于函数结果的<=32位的返回值。如果结果是64为的,那么如果储存在 edx:eax 寄存器对中。 下面是 x86 体系架构的调用约定项: Win32( __stdcall ) 函数的参数是通过从右向左的传入栈中,并且是在被调用函数(callee)中清理栈的。 C++内置的方法调用(大家了解的:thiscall) 函数参数也是从右向左传入栈,...
qword: 64 bits (includes floating-point doubles) tword: 80 bits (includes floating-point extended doubles) oword: 128 bits Notation The following table indicates the notation used to describe assembly language instructions. NotationMeaning r,r1,r2... ...
1: Certain instructions default to (or are fixed at) 64-bit operands and do not need the REX prefix for this, see . NASM NASM determines the operand size by looking at theMODRM.regor (for a register)MODRM.rmfields. When they are both 32-bit, the operand size becomes 32-bit. Same...
(the instruction that writes to eax and the instruction that writes to rax before it), this would result in a partial register stall, which starts to get tricky when there are 3 possible widths, so it helps that rax and eax write to the full register, meaning the 64-bit in...
There are a wide variety of 64-bit x86-compatible processors in use. All are supported by the PGI compilers and tools. Most of these processors are forward-compatible, but not backward-compatible, meaning that code compiled to target a given processor will not necessarily execute correctly on ...
Condition NameFlagsMeaning after a CMP operation. E ZF=1 value1 == value2. NE ZF=0 value1 != value2. GE NL SF=OF value1 >= value2. Values are treated as signed integers. LE NG ZF=1 or SF!=OF value1 <= value2. Values are treated as signed integers. G NLE ZF=0 and SF=...
This pagelists both VMs and emulators for the Intel/AMD x86 (32 or 64 bits) processors (meaning that they either emulate the x86 or are virtual machines that run on the x86). The guest "machines" they create may or may not (depending on which software you choose) be able to provide...