对于x86-64 架构,有16个64位通用寄存器,各寄存器的相关信息如下表所示: 这里有一个Caller Save和Callee Save的概念,意思是寄存器由调用者保存还是被调用者保存,从上面表中可以看出,%rbx, %rbp, and %r12-r15是Callee Save registers。从早期的x86到现在,体系结构从8位扩展到16位、32位、64位,现在每个寄存器的...
原文:http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Assembly/NASM_Syntax The Netwide Assembler is an x86 and x86-64 assembler that uses syntax similar to Intel. It supports a variety of object file formats, including: ELF32/64 Linux a.out NetBSD/FreeBSD a.out MS-DOS 16-bit/32-bit object files Win...
随笔分类 -Assembly x86 x64 Assembly x86 x64 汇编指令之set 摘要:汇编set语句: 实现无分支比较, 不断流水线 39383E46 |. 83F9 09 cmp ecx,0x9 39383E49 |. 0F97C0 seta al cmp 比较两个操作数,结果保存在FLAG寄存器中(同sub运算,不同在于不影响操作数, 只影响flag寄存器) seta 的 a 表阅读全文 ...
This will exclude the 32-bit Assembly language file from the 64-bit configuration build. Then switch build configuration to x86: Build configuration: Release - x86. Right-click on the asm64.asm file in the Solution Explorer, and select Properties. Then go to Configuration Properties -...
Gentle Introduction to x86-64 Assembly,GentleIntroductiontox86-64AssemblyIntroductionThisdocumentismeanttosummarisedifferencesbetweenx86-64andi386assemblyassumingthatyoualreadyknowwellthei386gassyntax.Iwi
Exercism exercises in x86-64 Assembly. Contribute to exercism/x86-64-assembly development by creating an account on GitHub.
Unfortunately i was busy last time and there were not new post, so today I continue to write posts about assembly, and will try to do it every week. 今天我们要看字符串和一些字符串操作。我们仍然使用NASM汇编和Linux X86_64。 Today we will look at strings and some strings operations. We ...
qword: 64 bits (includes floating-point doubles) tword: 80 bits (includes floating-point extended doubles) oword: 128 bits NotationThe following table indicates the notation used to describe assembly language instructions.Expand table NotationMeaning r, r1, r2... Registers m Memory address (...