发现先把eax置0x3b,也就是59,然后调用syscall指令,去网上搜索syscall调用表 LINUX SYSTEM CALL TABLE FOR X86 64 我们用gdb调试一下retsh,在调用syscall之前,寄存器的状态如下,与调用表相符 编写汇编代码 我们的目的就很明显了,我直接把最后的汇编代码放出来,好久没写汇编了,也是第一次写x64汇编,有点坑 编写shel...
Add a system call on Ubuntu 13.04(x64) with x86_64 We added a system call to modify idt table, then programed it in modify_idt.c 1. Put our modify_idt.c file in/usr/src/linux-3.10.15/arch/x86/kernel 2./usr/src/linux-3.10.15/arch/x86/syscalls# vim syscall_64.tbl add a new...
dpatch is a PoC kernel driver which patches the system call dispatcher for x64 Linux. It does this by first making a mutable/writeable copy of the system call table, overwriting the function pointers in that table with the function pointers that point to the hook functions, and then patching...
【Linux】1、内存管理 1、内存管理 1.1、虚拟内存与物理内存1.1、虚拟内存与物理内存64位系统的虚拟地址分配0x0000000000000000~0x00007fffffffffff表示用户空间(128T...虚拟地址分配0x0000 0000~0xC000 0000(3G)为用户空间,0xC000 0000~0xFFFF FFFF(1G)为内核空间32位系统下内存结构 每个用户态进程拥有MMU的页目录...
上节讲到进入内核五种方式 其中一种就是 系统调用 syscall/sysenter或者int 2e(在 64 位环境里统一使用 syscall/sysret 指令,在 32 位环境里统一使用 sysenter/sysexit 在 compatibility 模式下必须切换到 64 位模式,然后使用 syscall/sysret 指令 注释:32位cpu是x86模式 也叫legacy模式 再说清楚点 就是包含了实...
Get the dll from the dll table and load it if needed. Find the function in the IAT and store the address in the function table. Find if the call is a syscall; if it is, get the ssn and store it in the function table. If not already done, initialize the frame table (__callobf...
而在Linux x64中,前6个参数通过RDI、RSI、RDX、RCX、R8、R9传递。在x64中,还引入了SYSCALL指令用以协助系统调用。 ; 2.8 思?考?与?练?习 ; (2) XOR AL, AL MOV EBX, EDI REPNE SCASB SUB EDI, EBX (3) XOR EAX, EAX PUSH 7 POP ECX MOV EDI, ESI REP STOSD ; (4) MOV EDI, DS: __...
在x64跑32位程序,API调用。 正常的程序 32-bit NtAllocateVirtualMemory->Wow64 transition->64-bit NtAllocateVirtualMemory->SYSCALL 恶意的程序 直接调用Jmp 0x33->64-bit NtAllocateVirtualMemory->SYSCALL x23 = x86 m... 查看原文 go语言基础到提高(9)-go ide ...
-dvd1.part01.rar https://download.csdn.net/download/weixin_43800734/20392924 CentOS是免费的、开源的、可以重新分发的开源操作系统,CentOS(Community Enterprise Operating System,中文意思是社区企业操作系统)是Linux发行版之一。 CentOS Linux发行版是一个稳定的,可预测的,可管理的和可复现的平台,源于Red Hat ...
kernel debugging for linux, so I’d rather learn how it’s working on Windows with WinDbg before I struggle with gdb or kdb or whatever. And it’s clearly not obsolete, as OSes and hypervisors still have to deal with it to a minimum degree or they can’t get their code running. ...