The x86-64 ABI abandons the stack-based exception handling model of its 32-bit older brother and joins the RISC crowd by using table-based exception handling. With the exception of lightweight leaf functions, all functions must declare unwind codes that allow the exception unwinder to restore re...
retf instead of int 18h [2010173] x command breaks after one error about x/s or x/i [1830665] harddrv PANIC: ATAPI command with zero byte count [1985387] fail to make using gcc4 with --enable-debugger [1990187] testform feedback [1992138] Misspell in cpu/ia_opcodes.h - these S....
[1992138] Misspell in cpu/ia_opcodes.h - these S.F. feature requests were closed/implemented [2175153] Update MSVC project files [658800] front end program and bios [1883370] Make cd and floppy images more usable [422783] change floppy size without restarting [2552685] param tree names ...