处理证书链时,certinfo显示出了其卓越的能力。假设有一组证书文件需要被解析,我们可以使用certinfo -c -i *.crt来一次性加载所有扩展名为.crt的文件,并自动识别它们之间的关联关系。执行完上述命令后,certinfo不仅会列出每一份证书的基本信息,还会指出哪些证书是根证书,哪些是中间证书,以及最终用户证书的具体位置。...
///证书信息 ///<returns></returns> publicstaticX509Certificate2 CreateCertificate(String makecrtPath, String crtPath, T_CertInfo certInfo) { Debug.Assert(certInfo!=null); Debug.Assert(certInfo.Subject!=null); stringMakeCert=makecrtPath+"makecert.exe"; stringfileName=crtPath+"cer"; stringuser...
public static X509Certificate2 CreateCertificate(String makecrtPath, String crtPath, T_CertInfo certInfo) { Debug.Assert(certInfo != null); Debug.Assert(certInfo.Subject != null); string MakeCert = makecrtPath + "makecert.exe"; string fileName = crtPath + "cer"; string userName = Guid....
public static X509Certificate2 CreateCertificate(String makecrtPath, String crtPath, T_CertInfo certInfo) { Debug.Assert(certInfo != null); Debug.Assert(certInfo.Subject != null); string MakeCert = makecrtPath + "makecert.exe"; string fileName = crtPath + "cer"; string userName = Guid....
info/expiry local root certs print x509 certificate info Similar to openssl x509 -in <file> -text command, but handles chains, multiple files and TCP addresses. TLS/SSL version prints as well when using TCP address argument. usage certinfo [flags] [<file>|<host:port> ...] file argument...
为了让PKI 2的用户证书也得到PKI 1的信任,CA1签署包含CA2公钥的证书cert2.1,此时cert2和cert2.1具体相同的主题及公钥,cert2.2 (User 2)就有了两条合法的证书链:"cert2.2 → cert2" and "cert2.2 → cert2.1 → cert1"。 CA2也可以生成类似的包含有CA1公钥的证书cert1.1,以便PKI 1的用户(比如...
cert_info —— 证书主体信息。 sig_alg —— 签名算法。 signature —— 签名值,存放CA对该证书采用sig_alg生成的结果。 siginf —— 算名算法信息描述。 ex_data —— 存放证书自定义信息,用于证书验证。 skid —— 主体密钥标识。 akid —— 颁发者密钥标识。
this class creates a representation of an X509 certificate that can contains the certificate, the info of the certificate or both. To create this class, users must provide the certificate as aString, from a.pemor.certfiles. The following JSON is an example of the result of this class. ...
certinfo --pem-only --no-expired <chain-file>.pem > <new-chain-file>.pem info/verbose certinfo vault.com:443 --- [vault.com:443 TLS 1.2] --- Version: 3 Serial Number: 16280914906313700456 Signature Algorithm: SHA256-RSA Type: end-entity Issuer: CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority...
首先,我们看看关于证书结构体X509定义: struct x509_st { X509_CINF *cert_info; X509_ALGOR *sig_alg; ASN1_BIT_STRING *signature; int valid; int references; char *name; CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data; /* These contain copies of various extension values */ ...