处理证书链时,certinfo显示出了其卓越的能力。假设有一组证书文件需要被解析,我们可以使用certinfo -c -i *.crt来一次性加载所有扩展名为.crt的文件,并自动识别它们之间的关联关系。执行完上述命令后,certinfo不仅会列出每一份证书的基本信息,还会指出哪些证书是根证书,哪些是中间证书,以及最终用户证书的具体位置。...
extensions —— 证书的扩展信息。 structx509_st{X509_CINF cert_info;X509_ALGOR sig_alg;ASN1_BIT_STRING signature;X509_SIG_INFO siginf;CRYPTO_REF_COUNT references;CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data;/* These contain copies of various extension values */longex_pathlen;longex_pcpathlen;uint32_tex_flags;uin...
X509_CINF *cert_info; X509_ALGOR *sig_alg; ASN1_BIT_STRING *signature; int valid; int references; char *name; CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data; /* These contain copies of various extension values */ long ex_pathlen; long ex_pcpathlen; unsigned long ex_flags; unsigned long ex_kusage; unsigne...
return CERT_ERR_OK; }五、签名算法证书的签名算法,是指证书用来签名时使用的算法(包含HASH算法)。签名算法用结构体CERT_INFO中SignatureAlgorithm字段来表示,可以通过SignatureAlgorithm的子字段pszObjId返回签名算法的Oid,这样对比Oid就可以知道签名算法的具体含义了。pszObjId常见得定义如下:1...
public class T_CertInfo { public String FriendlyName; public String Subject; public DateTime BeginDate; public DateTime EndDate; public int SerialNumber; } /// /// 生成X509证书 /// /// makecert进程的目录 /// 证书文件临时目录 /// 证书信息 /// <returns></returns...
this class creates a representation of an X509 certificate that can contains the certificate, the info of the certificate or both. To create this class, users must provide the certificate as aString, from a.pemor.certfiles. The following JSON is an example of the result of ...
NotBeforeUtc The certificate invalidity before date in UTC. SerialNumber The certificate serial number. Sha1Thumbprint The certificate SHA1 thumbprint. Sha256Thumbprint The certificate SHA256 thumbprint. SubjectName The certificate subject name. Version The certficiate version.Applies...
X509_CERT_AUX*aux; }; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 该结构表示了一个完整的数字证书。各项意义如下: cert_info:证书主体信息; sig_alg:签名算法; signature:签名值,存放CA对该证书签名的结果; ...
print x509 certificate info Similar toopenssl x509 -in <file> -textcommand, but handles chains, multiple files and TCP addresses. TLS/SSL version prints as well when using TCP address argument. usage certinfo [flags] [<file>|<host:port> ...] ...
SUMMARY I'm getting deprecation warnings when using the x509_certificate_info module. E.g: .ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/crypto/plugins/module_utils/crypto/module_backends/certificate_info.py:325: CryptographyDepreca...