BIOS类型AMI UEFI 管理 软件Redfish API, Supermicro Server Manager (SSM), SupermicroPower Manager (SPM), Supermicro Update Manager (SUM),SuperDoctor® 5,Super Diagnostics Offline,KVM with dedicated LAN,IPMI 2.0 系统管理软件SuperDoctor 5, IPMI (INTELligent Platform Management Interface) v1.5 / 2.0...
System BIOS BIOS Type AMI UEFI Management Software SuperDoctor® 5,SUM, KVM with dedicated LAN,SPM, Intel® Node Manager,SSM,IPMI2.0, Watchdog System Management Software SuperDoctor 5, IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) v1.5 / 2.0 with KVM support, IPMICFG, IPMIView for Linux...
System BIOS BIOS Type AMI UEFI Management Software SuperDoctor® 5,SUM, KVM with dedicated LAN,SPM, Intel® Node Manager,SSM,IPMI2.0, Watchdog System Management Software SuperDoctor 5, IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) v1.5 / 2.0 with KVM support, IPMICFG, IPMIView for Linux...