最主要的原因之一为:安装的杀毒软件将Solid Works服务设为禁止启动,每次开机后都需要进行手动的启动,...
For the latter error, you need to set up the X11 permissions correctly.To make sure X11 permissions are the problem do this simple test: while sitting at the physical X display open a terminal window (gnome-terminal, xterm, etc.) You should be able to run x11vnc successfully without any...
02/02/2024 16:54:40 Restored X server key autorepeat to: 1 X Error of failed request: Bad...
Nginx是一款高性能的Web服务器,能够以灵活性和强大的功能提供内容。在设计网页时,自定义用户将看到的每条内容通常很有帮助。这包括他们请求不可用内容时的错误页面。在本指南中,我们将演示如何配置Nginx以在CentOS 7上使用自定义错误页面。
if (xshm_opcode > 0 && error->request_code == xshm_opcode) { if (error->minor_code == X_ShmAttach) { char *dstr = DisplayString(dpy); fprintf(stderr, "\nX11 MIT Shared Memory Attach failed:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Is your DISPLAY=%s on a remote machine?\n", dstr); if...
02/02/2024 16:54:40 Restored X server key autorepeat to: 1 X Error of failed request: Bad...
直觉以为和MSSQL一样只要打set transaction isolation level xxx 就能搞定 ,然后弄了老半天才发现中间需要价格session ,结果今天写SQL的时候感觉每个表都打with(nolock)太吃力,干脆直接设置READ UNCOMMITTED多美。。。 --设置当前查询隔离级别 SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED --查询 ...
Q-70: I have lots of memory, but why does x11vnc fail with shmget: No space left on device or Minor opcode of failed request: 1 (X_ShmAttach)? Q-71: How can I make x11vnc use less system resources? Q-72: How can I make x11vnc use MORE system resources? Q-73: I use x11vn...
This file is part of x11vnc. x11vnc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. x11vnc is distributed ...