最新固件下载地址: https://fujifilm-x.com/global/support/download/firmware/cameras/x-t5/ X-T4 固件 Ver.1.72 # 提升视频拍摄稳定性 改善了当视频拍摄时使用以下镜头的操作稳定性: - XF14mm F2.8 R - XF16mm F1.4 R WR - XF23mm F1.4 R 最新固件下载地址: https://fujifilm-x.com/global/support/...
最新固件下载地址: https://fujifilm-x.com/global/support/download/firmware/cameras/x-t5/ X-S10 固件升级 # 改善以下设置状态下的显示效果 当“自动对焦模式”设置为“区域”,“AF 点显示”设置为“开”,AF 白色对焦框偶尔显示不准确的现象。 最新固件下载地址: https://fujifilm-x.com/global/support/down...
https://fujifilm-x.com/global/support/download/firmware/cameras/x-h2/ X-T5 固件 Ver.1.04 #闪光灯操作稳定性提升 提升了在以下参数设置时,使用闪光灯拍摄的操作稳定性。 1)【闪光灯设置】设为【TTL】 3)通过调整ISO、光圈、快门速度使曝光补偿被设置为“-2”左右。
A firmware bug is fixed that the camera does not turn on even if the power lever is on when a specific SD memory card is inserted. A firmware bug is fixed that the “WRITE ERROR” occurs in rare cases after shooting when using specific SD memory cards. ...
Some of those features will come via firmware update to other models for sure, some we can hope for, but others are hardware features available only on the Fujifilm X-M5 so far. So let’s quickly run thorugh them: Manual Focus range customization You can set the rotation reach ...
据悉,富士胶片近期已针对X-H2、X-T5和X-S10三款机型发布最新固件,各位影友可前往官网免费下载升级,您也可以到店安装升级固件。 X-H2 固件升级 最新固件下载地址: https://fujifilm-x.com/global/support/download/firmware/cameras/x-h2/ X-T5 固件升级 ...
The current camera firmware version that was used during these compatiblity tests. The form will be continuously updated as more compatability is added and is subject to change without notice. The information in the lens compatibility table will be continuously updated after testing is completed. Som...
在推出X-H2S固件之后,富士胶片还承诺其他第五代机型也将进行重大固件更新。虽然并未提及具体升级内容,但我们依然可以期待X-H2及X-T5的新固件同样改善自动对焦能力。 文章来源:Fujifilm Promises Major Firmware Updates also for X-T5 and X-H2: New AF System of X-H2s? (and Where the Catch is)...
*Make sure there isn’t any file with the same name in the destination of the firmware to save. If there is a file with the same name, the browser may automatically alter the name of the firmware like the name and (1). A camera will not recognize the firmware correctly with an alter...
06.03.2025X-T5 Firmware update Ver.4.21 27.02.2025GFX Series / X Series Camera Body Firmware Update 19.12.2024X-T5 Firmware update Ver.4.10 27.06.2024X-T5 Firmware Update Ver.4.00 25.04.2024X-T5 Firmware Update Ver.3.01 22.01.2024X Series Camera Body/XF Lens Firmware Update ...