The first step to becoming an x-ray tech is to get a degree. You’ll need to take a program specifically related to medical radiation technology, but you canchoose between a two-to-three-year college program, or a four-year bachelor’s degree at a university. For examp...
This one was a good dive boat ladder—although I could see a pesky loose length of line halfway up that looked like a potential trip wire. I measured the gap between waves and thought that I would have enough time when the moment arrived to get on, get up and get gone in one push...
Tech and Training Ancient Roman Mosaics Discovered off Naples Coast Wrecks & Archaeology The Angular Roughshark: A Unique Deep-Sea Predator Ecology & Science Human Activities Threaten Marine Ecosystems: A Call for Urgent Action Ecology & ScienceSponsored...
Colloids adsorbed at a fluid interface are ubiquitous in nature and central to a promising route to materials synthesis that combines considerable freedom of material choices with the opportunity to create highly ordered structures on the length scales from nano- to micrometers1,2,3,4,5,6. The ...
Subsequent imaging was performed at the imaging facilities of ETH Zurich, using the Pannoramic 250 Flash III slide scanner (3DHISTECH Ltd, Hungary) with a ×20 objective, at a resolution of 0.9 μm/pixel. Images of the 320 consecutive slices were taken, while the 20 most lateral ones we...
[81]. Data can also be correlated across images acquired at different times (temporal correlation), for example to observe mineral formation over time in 3D scaffolds [18], or across multiple length scales using multi-scale CT, sometimes termed zoom tomography, as used to identify the location...
The chapter will focus on fundamental aspects and methodological challenges of X-ray free electron laser research and recent developments in the related field of ultrafast X-ray science. Selected examples proving “molecular movie capabilities” of...
A NEW BENCHTOP TXRF SPECTROMETERFlannery, David T (3225-Caltech)…The optical alignment of the multilayer was made and confirmed by two strategies: a) following the X-ray beam with a CCD camera; b) collecting the spectra of the X-ray beam before and after the multilayer, using a second ...
Tech and Training We are all born under the sun, and for the first year, we are perfectly at ease underwater. In the first months, we keep our eyes and mouths open without any problems, even underwater, thanks to the closure of the glottis that prevents us from drowning. After the ...
Tech and Training Ancient Roman Mosaics Discovered off Naples Coast Wrecks & Archaeology The Angular Roughshark: A Unique Deep-Sea Predator Ecology & Science Human Activities Threaten Marine Ecosystems: A Call for Urgent Action Ecology & ScienceSponsored...