Unity3D 将X-PostProcessing全部搬运至URP下Volume 原先是毛星云大大的高品质后处理库X-PostProcessing,原先是说会支持URP的. https://github.com/QianMo/X-PostProcessing-Librarygithub.com/QianMo/X-PostProcessing-Library 有因为URP下的后处理实现方式已经有很大的不同了,URP下使用Volume来实现后处理 所有的后...
整合版地址:https://github.com/MrYouSing/X-PostProcessing-Library 其他的纯URP版:https://github.com/tkonexhh/X-PostProcessing-URP 安装 在Unity工程文件夹Packages/manifest.json添加下列文本: "com.qian-mo.x-postprocessing": "https://github.com/MrYouSing/X-PostProcessing-Library.git?path=/Assets...
X-PostProcessing Libray,简称XPL,是针对Unity引擎的高品质开源后处理库,旨在提供业界主流的高品质后处理特效的完整解决方案。目前已完美支持Unity Post-processing Stack v2,后续也将提供对Unity引擎URP/LWRP/HDRP的兼容支持。 X-PostProcessing Library (XPL)is a high quality post processing library for for Unity...
X-PostProcessing Libray,简称XPL,是针对Unity引擎的高品质开源后处理库,旨在提供业界主流的高品质后处理特效的完整解决方案。目前已完美支持Unity Post-processing Stack v2,后续也将提供对Unity引擎URP/LWRP/HDRP的兼容支持。X-PostProcessing Library (XPL) is a high quality post processing library for for Unity...
Unity Post Processing Stack Library | Unity引擎的高品质后处理库 - X-PostProcessing-Library/Assets/X-PostProcessing/Resources.meta at master · yaovan/X-PostProcessing-Library
X-PostProcessing Libray,简称XPL,是针对Unity引擎的高品质开源后处理库,旨在提供业界主流的高品质后处理特效的完整解决方案。目前已完美支持Unity Post-processing Stack v2,后续也将提供对Unity引擎URP/LWRP/HDRP的兼容支持。 X-PostProcessing Library (XPL) is a high quality post processing library for for Unit...
Post Processing of X-Ray Maps - Theoretical BSE Mapping, Totals Mapping and Ratio Mapping strain mapping); small angle X-ray scattering (analysis of nano-scale voids and defects; orientation analysis) and imaging (radiography and tomography). Af... K Moran,R Wuhrer - 《Microscopy & Microanalys...
doi:10.1017/s1431927613006132R. WuhrerK. MoranCambridge University Press (CUP)Wuhrer R and Moran K 2013 Post processing hyper-spectral data and generating more information from X-ray maps. Microsc. Microanal. 19 (Suppl. 2) 828-829
The name of the command file used for user-defined post-processing for after receiving a file transfer. Specify this parameter in XCOM.GLB to invoke the pre-allocation exit xcompp. A sample command file is provided. For example, you can use the xcompp exit to: ...
Proposed method presents new segmentation pipeline for the CXR images with the multi step conditi oned post-processing. This approach leads to the significant improvement compare with any ”baseline” by the reduction of the totally missed and false positive detections of the ...