X-Plane 10 Global - 64 Bit - Africa Scenery is a free optional DLC that you can activate thru your Steam Client. It will give you the default Africa Scenery.
来自X-Plane 10 Global - 64 Bit - Australia Scenery 开发者的更新、活动和新闻。
【X-Plane 1..啦啦啦,今年最后一个长假即将结束,送上一小份福利。。。机场地景还是不错的。。至少CRJ-200终于有地方飞了。。。圣安德列斯岛:此岛位于加勒比海的中心地区,全岛被珊瑚礁环绕,景色迷人,清澈的海水,白色
【X-Plane 1..大神们!你们的openscenery都是从官网下的嘛?为什么我下到一半就不动了!回回如此,家里是电信10M光纤!求破啊求破!人工置顶
---(官方地景社区)Scenery Packages ---(自动廊桥插件)AutoGate >>效用 ---(便捷智能后推)Bett...
法1:xOrganizer(準備好付錢吧!)法2:先刪除scenery_packs.ini 機場前一律加a landmark/city前一律...
This category covers expansions, mods, and add-ons that improve, replace or add extra scenery areas to your copy of X-Plane 12 or X-Plane 11 (or XP12/XP11 as it's known in the community).Screenshot showing the Arizona photoreal scenery in X-Plane....
👍👎😄🎉😕 ️🚀👀 Issues list Symlinked texture files follow the link (obj header) when exported. #741 openedDec 9, 2024bydanklaue Never mind #740 openedAug 27, 2024byprimtala2 The model colors imported into xplane are all gray-blue ...
https://www.x-plane.com PinnedLoading xptoolsxptoolsPublic X-Plane Scenery Tools: WorldEditor (WED) and more C++9635 Repositories xptoolsPublic X-Plane Scenery Tools: WorldEditor (WED) and more C++963511UpdatedDec 30, 2024 telemetry-viewerPublic ...
When you first download the vanilla edition of X-Plane 10 Mobile, then, you’ll get access to some awesome features such as; 5 scenery regions that cover various points in the world 24 different challenges to take on and prove your mettle in combat and non-combat situations ...