X战警前传:金刚狼 X-Men Origins: Wolverine豆瓣评分:7.8 简介: 《X战警前传:金刚狼》是一款以金刚狼为主角进行游戏体验的动作冒险游戏,通过该游戏,玩家可以体验并深入了解电影的故事主线。游戏设定在多个鲜活的真实世界,以挑战玩家磨砺角色的动物本能为主题,从
《金刚狼》(X-Men Origins: Wolverine)是一部由加文·胡德执导,休·杰克曼、列维·施瑞博尔、瑞恩·雷诺兹、丹尼·休斯顿、泰勒·克奇等主演的科幻动作电影。该片讲述了金刚狼的身世探索,以及他如何获得钢爪、成为金刚狼的过程,同时揭示了他与剑齿虎维克多之间的恩怨情仇,以及与X战警成员之间的关系。这部电影充满了动...
Logan (born James "Jimmy" Howlett), also referred as Wolverine, was a mutant with retractable forearm claws, enhanced physical attributes, and accelerated regenerative abilities. As the co-leader of the X-Men, he was also a famous hero and warrior, having fought in many wars throughout human...
But when the new Hellfire Club decides they don't like what the ol' Canucklehead has started, and decide to burn the place to the ground, will the school even outlast its first day? COLLECTING: Wolverine & The X-Men 1-7Jason AaronChris Bachalo...
漫威Marvel X-men Wolverine, 2004 品牌:漫威 香调:花香调 气味:橙花香草麝香 属性:中性香 标签:白花柑橘麝香甜 评分人数过少 评价: 最明显的气味 橙花(33%) 香草(33%) 麝香(33%) +气味投票 香水简介 视频与香水细节图查看全部 上传照片 +上传照片...
Browse the Marvel comic series X-Men: Wolverine/Gambit (2016). Check out individual issues, and find out how to read them!
In the recent mega-blockbuster movie, X-Men: Days of Future Past, which had done superb business in Hollywood; based on fictional X-Men character performed by none other than the well known Hugh Jackman as the Wolverine. He is wearing a tremendous Days of Future Past X-Men Jacket in ...
A news site chronicling the X-men prequel, Wolverine - The Movie, starring Hugh Jackman as Logan.
X-MEN Wolverine 金鋼狼漫畫版面具 日Oqawa Studio 小川工作室是專門以動漫、電影等角色製作面具為主的廠商,這次預計在2013年1月推出X-MEN Wolverine: Narikiri Mask,以美系漫畫X-MEN 當中Wolverine 金鋼狼的頭部製作成略軟材質的可戴型面具,售價約3460元日幣,提供給喜歡美系漫畫角色的玩具人參考。
Browse the Marvel comic series X-MEN: BLOOD HUNT - LAURA KINNEY THE WOLVERINE (2024). Check out individual issues, and find out how to read them!