如果IIS中的X-Frame-Options没有被设置为DENY或SAMEORIGIN,那么可能存在安全风险,因为这意味着你的网页可能会被嵌入到其他网站的iframe中,从而可能遭受点击劫持攻击。 可能的原因 配置缺失:IIS服务器可能还没有进行X-Frame-Options的配置。 配置错误:虽然进行了配置,但可能配置的值不是DENY或SAMEORIGIN,而是其他值或完全...
JS module を読み込んで iframe タグにis="x-frame-bypass"を付けるだけ。 Try X-Frame-Options: DENY/SAMEORIGINを返す Heroku 上のサーバで試してみる。 https://bypass-test-001.herokuapp.com/deny X-Frame-Options: DENY https://bypass-test-001.herokuapp.com/same X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN...
DENY:该页面不允许在frame中展示,即便是在相同域名的页面中嵌套也不允许。 SAMEORIGIN:该页面可以在相同域名页面的frame中展示。 ALLOW-FROM uri:该页面可以在指定来源的frame中展示。 TheX-Frame-OptionsHTTPresponse header can be used to indicate whether or not a browser should be allowed to render a page...
我设置了add_header X-Frame-Options deny always;。现在,我想将其更改为SAMEORIGIN。为此,我更改了/etc/niginx/sites-available/my_domain中的 代码语言:javascript 复制 #add_header X-Frame-Options deny always; add_header X-Frame-Options sameorigin always; 但标题部分仍显示X-Frame-Options DENY 以下是屏幕...
Solved: Hi, my problem is explained in the heading. I need to remove X-Frame-Options: deny from the HTTP header and change it to sameorigin. Possible
使用X-Frame-Options有三个可选的值: DENY:浏览器拒绝当前页面加载任何Frame页面SAMEORIGIN:frame页面的地址只能为同源域名下的页面 ALLOW-FROM... ‘http', ‘server' 或者 ‘location'的配置中: ? 1 add_headerX-Frame-OptionsSAMEORIGIN; HAProxy
Hi, is there any way to make jitsi-meet-electron support from X-Frame-Options Header Deny / sameorigin? something like on this page: electron/electron#573 and electron/electron#5036 really appreciate it your response 👍 1 Echolon added feature-request question labels May 25, 2020 Member ...
X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Directives If you specifyDENY, not only will attempts to load the page in a frame fail when loaded from other sites, attempts to do so will fail when loaded from the same site. On the other hand, if you specifySAMEORIGIN, you can still...
subject. turn this header on by default to mitigate clickjacking stuff. cool frameworks have this header to SAMEORIGN/DENY by default. I'm envy. IMO sameorigin is more "lenient" than DENY. Because framing on the sameorigin are dangerous ...
using HttpRequestHeaders to add a directive, but then there are two headers and an error is created: "Refused to display '***' in a frame because it set multiple 'X-Frame-Options' headers with conflicting values ('allow-from https://www.***.com, SAMEORIGIN'). Falling back to 'deny...