Vice President, Reactor Development What is the Xe-100 reactor? What is the power output of the Xe-100 reactor? What is the fuel used in the Xe-100 reactor? What are the key safety features of the Xe-100 reactor? What is the operational life of the Xe-100 reactor? Can the Xe-100 ...
X-Energy和Cavendish Nuclear还计划在哈特尔普尔(Hartlepool)开发一个投资数十亿英镑的12座反应堆核电站,预计将在2030年代初期投入运营。未来,两家公司计划在英国建造多达40座Xe-100先进小型模块化反应堆,提供3,200兆瓦的电力,足以满足600万户家庭用电需求,或提供8,000兆瓦的高温热能和蒸汽,以支持零碳制造业和工业过程...
Cameco (TSX: CCO; NYSE: CCJ) and X-energy have entered a non-binding and non-exclusive Memorandum of Understanding to explore possible areas of cooperation to support the potential future deployment, fuelling and servicing of Xe-100 small modular reactors (SMRs) in Canada and the Unite...
The Xe-100 is one of two advanced reactors, alongsideTerraPower’s sodium-cooled fast reactor Natrium, to be supported by the U.S.’s more-than $2.5 billion Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP) which aims to aid in the design, licensing, construction and operation of the reactors. ...
PETPentaerythrite0.87Al–TiKr–XeHigh AdPAmmonium dihydrogen phosphate1.06MgLow TAP/TlAPThallium biphthalate2.58F–NaHigh OVO-55W/Si multilayer5.5N–SiCa–BrHigh OVO-160W/C multilayer16Be–O? OVO-CV/C multilayer12C? OVO-BMo/B4C multilayer20Be–B?