The chest X - rays showed moderate enlargement of the heart. 胸部X 光片显示出心脏稍有扩大. 《简明英汉词典》 By the use ofX rays, doctors can see within the body. 医生用X光可以看到人体内部. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 The doctor examined the X - rays. ...
The chest X - rays showed moderate enlargement of the heart. 胸部X 光片显示出心脏稍有扩大. 《简明英汉词典》 By the use of X rays, doctors can see within the body. 医生用X光可以看到人体内部. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 The doctor examined the X - rays. ...
英汉 英英 网络释义 x-ray 显示所有例句 n. 1. [usupl] X 射线; X 光a type of radiation that can pass through objects that are not transparent and make it possible to see inside them 2. X 光照片a photograph made by X-rays , especially one showing bones or organs in the body ...
Games featuring the Optimized for Xbox Series X|S icon will showcase unparalleled load-times, heightened visuals, and steadier framerates at up to 120FPS. These include new titles built natively using the Xbox Series X|S development environment as well as previously released titles that have ...
用X光摄影〔检查〕”,指运用X光对某人或某物进行检查或拍摄,多用作医学术语。X-ray可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接简单宾语。可用于被动结构。X-rays are used by doctors to examine the bones or organs inside our body.X 光被医生用来检查人体内部的骨骼和器官。
复数:X-rays 现在分词:X-raying 过去式:X-rayed 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. X(射)线,伦琴射线;X光;X光照片 adj. 1. X (射)线的,伦琴线的 v. 1. 用X线检查[摄影,处理,治疗] na. 1. x 光线 2. X 光照相 例句 释义: 全部,伦琴射线,伦琴线的,爱克斯光 更多例句筛选 1. Accuracy of lumber ...
This same conviction is shared by astronomers, who for over half a century have believed that as much as 90 per cent of all the matter in the Universe is in an invisible form, which can be detected only by its gravitational influence on the luminous matter we can see, such as stars ...
medical data involves physics in it.For example, consider X-rays. To understand X-rays, we need to first realize that it is electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength is much smaller than visible light. This requires the knowledge of physics. Electromagnetism itself forms one of the branches of ...
💀WHEN CHEST X-RAYS COME ALIVE💀 This is a Chest X-Ray fused with images from a coronal CT demonstrating anatomy of the heart, great vessels and ribs 📝TAKE NOTE OF... ___...
300m蜜蜂微血管蜜蜂微血管材料力学材料力学ForceForceX-raysOriginal line of detectDeveloped line of detect电化 7、学反应过程成象电化学反应过程成象250 mlectrodeCuivreZincZinc200 m金属材料的元素扩散过程成象金属材料的元素扩散过程成象Al11ZngalliumgalliumDiffusion de galliumfissuration聚合物材料内部结构研究...