x-raysAtom RSS Feed X-rays articles within Scientific Reports FeaturedArticle 16 January 2025 | Open Access High-resolution X-ray phase-contrast tomography of human placenta with different wavefront markers Sara Savatović , Davis Laundon & Pierre Thibault Article 31 December 2024 | Open...
GraphXCOVID: Explainable deep graph diffusion pseudo-Labelling for identifying COVID-19 on chest X-rays 2022, Pattern Recognition Citation Excerpt : Chest imaging is also suggested for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, not currently hospitalised and with mild symptoms, in addition to ...
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a nondestructive technique used for chemical analysis of materials. An X-ray source is used to irradiate the specimen and to cause the elements in the specimen to emit (or fluoresce) their characteristic X-rays. XRF is particularly well-suited for investigations that...
RadeonRays RadeonProRender ray intersection acceleration library for hardware and software multiplatforms using CPU and GPU mitsuba3 👍 Mitsuba 3: A Retargetable Forward and Inverse Renderer http://mitsuba-renderer.org/ appleseed A modern open source rendering engine for animation and visual effects ht...
Cavani, Long term variability of CYG X-1 in hard X-rays. Astrophys. Space Sci. 32, 197–203 (1975). doi:10.1007/BF00646225 Article ADS Google Scholar F. Frontera, F. Fuligni, D. Brini, C. Cavani, Search for long-period X-ray pulsations in the NP 0527 region. Lett. Nuovo ...
Once in position, the boat staff will introduce some food into the water to attract the rays nearby their particular boat. Even after all these years and many visits to the site, the surge of excitement is still palpable as the rays swoop in and envelop you in their wings in the search...
In Mrk 501, we expect a progressively higherΠfrom radio to X-rays. A shock partially orders the magnetic field of the plasma crossing the shock, with the ordered field perpendicular to the shock normal. This causes the net polarization electric vector to be aligned with the jet. In a ...
Mantas and mobula rays also circle over cleaning stations. Of course, small macro subjects can also be found everywhere, such as lots of various colourful nudibranchs, crabs, ornate ghost pipefish, blue-ring octopuses and wunderpus octopuses. Underwater life rages on, with silversides forming ...
Rays started congregating here in 1996, when the owner of Los Gigantes Dive Centre had the bright idea of starting an organized stingray feed to attract more divers to the area. The rays responded with as much enthusiasm as the paying guests, and before long, enough animals had overcome thei...
The Maldives are known for their reef manta rays and manta cleaning stations. Mantas continually circle a reef area in order to be cleaned by small fish. I like the diagonal composition and feeling of motion that this manta ray image (Photo 4) conveys. Images were converted to black and wh...