X-ray, electromagnetic radiation of extremely short wavelength and high frequency, with wavelengths ranging from about 10^-8 to 10^-12 metre. The passage of X-rays through materials, including biological tissue, can be recorded. Thus, analysis of X-ray i
x-ray tubea glass vacuum bulb containing two electrodes; electrons are obtained either from gas in the tube or from a heated cathode. When suitable potential is applied, electrons travel at high velocity from cathode to anode, where they are suddenly arrested, giving rise tox-rays. ...
The meaning of X-RAY TUBE is a vacuum tube in which a concentrated stream of electrons strikes a metal target and produces X-rays.
1、RadiationX-Ray Ezreal & Allen VocabularyX-ray:X射线X-rayspectrum:射线谱Coherentscattering:相干散射Incoherentscattering:非相干散射attenuationofX-ray: X射线的衰减AbsorbofX-ray: X射线的真吸收Optic-electriceffect:光电效应fluorescentradiation:荧光辐射Electromagneticradiation&NuclearradiationRadiationX-rays Discover...
1、X-Ray基础培训X-Ray 简介X光机的分类X光机的构成 X光球管简介 X-Ray Generator简介 胸片架、摄影床 控制系统DR系统介绍DR各厂家产品概述Imix DR产品特点X-Ray 简介X-Ray 是由德国伦琴教授在1895年所发现。这种由真空管发出能穿透物体的辐射线,在电磁光谱上能量较可见光强,波长较短,频率较高,相类似的辐射线...
X-ray Tube解析 诊断用X线管 X-rayTube 诊断用X线管 •产生X线的条件:1.能够产生带电粒子的单元2.对带电粒子加速的高压电场3.在高速粒子轰击下能够产生X线的靶面物质[在阳极端](钨、钼、铜)*4.现代X线管采用真空灯丝热阴极,故还需要X线管中保持真空条件 X线谱 X线谱 连续谱 •连续谱:电子动能...
Coolidge’s process for making ductile tungsten was key to developing the x-ray tube GE’s lab must have been an exciting place, and in 1909 Coolidge was joined by Irving Langmuir. Langmuir was charged with understanding the behaviour of the hot metal filaments. By 1913, Langmuir, now workin...
ray phenomena prior to Röntgen, though he was not aware of their significance. A small piece of information is public at JSTOR. The first publication of this tube in Science illustree was as early May 1896.Jackson focus X-ray tube ca 1896 Currently on loan at the CODA museum Apeldo...
The gasket has clearance spaces forming a labyrinth seal. Independent claims are also included for: (a) a method for mounting a gasket internal to a X-ray tube (b) a method for mounting the gasket external to the X-ray tube. 展开 ...