Geofiles: Switch to Loyalsoldier's v2ray-rules-dat by@RPRXinc81d8e4 Workflows: Reduce Geodata update frequency by@KobeArthurScofieldin#4369 MITM freedom RAW TLS: Allow "fromMitm" to be written at any position inverifyPeerCertInNames, Add checking foralpn"fromMitm" by@RPRXind4c7cd0 DNS DoH...
pervognsen 5149 38 nnn n³ The unorthodox terminal file manager jarun 19806 39 netdata X-Ray Vision for your infrastructure! netdata 73745 40 mjolnir Lightweight automation and productivity app for OS X mjolnirapp 5206⬆ Back to IndexC#...
We have developed a MWPC system for X-ray detection with a position resolution in the region of 6 μm rms (14 μm fwhm). The performance with argon, krypton or xenon at pressures from 1 to 10 atm is explored for the X-ray energy range 5–25 keV. At a resolution of 6 μm rms ...
A short view of development of both the EDXRF using a capillary X-ray lens and the new PSXS is given in this paper. 展开 关键词: X-ray Polycapillary X-ray optics MXRF Position sensitive X-ray spectrometry DOI: 10.1016/S0039-9140(00)00387-8 ...
使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
IN an X-ray analysis of potassium hydrogen mesotartrate performed with an automatic diffractometer (Mo K radiation; 5,300 independent reflexions) at 120 K (Table 1 and Fig. 1) we have detected three short hydrogen bonds. Two of these connect oxygen atoms that are symmetry related in the ass...
Position indicating means for x-ray projectorsdoi:US2659824Complete Patent Searching Database and Patent Data Analytics Services.Edwin, Burnham
Material-selective analysis of spectral X-ray imaging data requires prior knowledge of the energy dependence of the observed signal. Contrary to conventional X-ray imaging, where the material-specific attenuation coefficient is usually precisely known, the linear diffusion coefficient of the X-ray dark...
Intel OSPRay is an open source, scalable, and portable ray tracing engine for high-performance, high-fidelity visualization on Intel Architecture CPUs. OSPRay is part of the Intel oneAPI Rendering Toolkit and is released under the permissive Apache 2.0 license. The purpose of OSPRay is to provide...
Samples were placed on a rotary table permitting also to adjust their vertical position with respect to the X-ray fan beam, so that to scan different slices. The distances source-rotation center and source-detector were of 315 mm and, respectively, of 687 mm, assuring a magnification of ...