利用 X射线自由电子激光光子的全相干性可以实现高效相干散射,极大提升了 X射线光子关联谱手段(X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy,简称 XPCS)的探测能力。这些实验手段的发展和应用已经在物理领域产生了大量有影响力的成果,并促使了一系列新现象和新物理的发现。 图1 超快泵浦—探测实验示意图。红色和蓝色脉冲分别...
基于相干X射线散射的X射线光子相关光谱学(X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy,XPCS)可以利用归一化强度相关函数来分析一系列散斑图案随时间或外部变量(如磁场、电场或温度)的变化,从而提供有关样品微观动态行为的信息[24]。由于相干衍射所产生的对比度可以来自化学、磁性和结构的特征,因此XPCS能够揭示多种复杂现象的...
The new field of x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) offers an unprecedented opportunity to extend the range of length scales over which a material's low frequency dynamics can be studied down to interatomic spacings. The ctitical decelopment which has now made XPCS a feasible ...
X-RayPhotonCorrelationSpectroscopy40XPCS41 系统标签: xpcsphotonspectroscopyraycorrelationcoherent 18X-RayPhotonCorrelationSpectroscopy(XPCS)G.GRU¨BELHasylab/DESY,Notkestrasse85,22607Hamburg,GermanyA.MADSENEuropeanSynchrotronRadiationFacility,BP220,38043GrenobleCedex,FranceA.ROBERTLCLS,SLACNationalAcceleratorLaboratory...
利用 X射线自由电子激光光子的全相干性可以实现高效相干散射,极大提升了 X射线光子关联谱手段(X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy,简称 XPCS)的探测能力。这些实验手段的发展和应用已经在物理领域产生了大量有影响力的成果,并促使了一系列新现象和新物理的发现。
With their brilliance and temporal structure, X-ray free-electron laser can unveil atomic-scale details of ultrafast phenomena. Recent progress in split-and-delay optics (SDO), which produces two X-ray pulses with time-delays, offers bright prospects for
X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) is a powerful tool to perform direct measurements of the dynamics of fluctuations in condensed matter systems at atomic resolution. Here we have investigated spatial and time correlations of domains in the valence fluctuated phase in a typical valence flu...
This study explores the possibility to measure dynamics of proteins in solution using X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) at nearly diffraction limited storage rings (DLSR). We calculate the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of XPCS experiments from a concentrated lysozyme solution at the lengt...
X射线光子关联光谱(X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy, XPCS)也称动态光散射(dynamic light scattering), 是指通过测量相干衍射光强度起伏(散斑)的时间自相关函数, 进而获取样品内部无序分布的统计规律, 时间尺度覆盖微秒到千秒, 空间尺度为微米到纳米之间[17,18], 是研究凝聚态物理、材料科学等领域样品动力学特...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN received: 14 May 2015 accepted: 26 October 2015 Published: 27 November 2015 Sequential Single Shot X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy at the SACLA Free Electron Laser Felix Lehmkühler1,2, Paweł Kwaśniewski1, Wojciech Roseker1, Birgit Fischer1...