X-ray phase imaging that uses the phenomena of X-ray refraction and scattering to generate image contrast has the potential to overcome the drawback of conventional X-ray radiography in observing biological soft tissues. After its dawn at synchrotron radiation facilities 30 years ago, the ...
X-ray, CT, and MR imaging are very useful for vertebral imaging and recognition of various pathologies. Degenerative diseases are better detected with MR imaging and can be categorized according to the change (Tehranzadeh et al., 2000). In type I disease, T1-weighted images decrease in intens...
The focus of this review lies on quantitative grating-based phase contrast computed tomography (GBPC-CT). A laboratory GBPC-CT setup is illustrated in Fig.2a. In detail, an X-ray Talbot interferometer uses the Talbot self-imaging effect, which has first been described for reappearing periodic...
Grating interferometry X-ray differential phase contrast imaging (GI-XDPCI) has provided enhanced imaging contrast and attracted more and more interests. Currently the low imaging efficiency and increased dose remain to be the bottlenecks in the engineering applications of GI-XDPCI. Different from the...
Near-field X-ray speckle imaging14has recently been proposed as a simple but versatile alternative for multi-contrast X-ray imaging, i.e., the simultaneous acquisition of transmission, phase-contrast, and dark-field signals. In addition, the coherence requirements of speckle imaging are only moder...
大麻二酚/四氢大麻酚: 一种CB激动剂、CB1拮抗剂药物,由GW Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (GW Pharmaceuticals Ltd.)公司最早进行研发,目前全球最高研发状态为批准上市,作用机制: CB激动剂(大麻素受体激动剂),CB1拮抗剂(大麻素受体CB1拮抗剂),治疗领域: 免疫系统疾病,神经系统疾
Because of its ubiquitous expression and ability to regulate a large portion of the neuronal proteome, it is perhaps not surprising that loss of FMRP has far-reaching consequences on neuronal function. However, accumulating evidence suggests that neuronal hyperexcitability and network hyp...
2. The method of claim 1, said step of detecting further comprising the step of: using an X-ray detector material to detect the positively charged particles. 3. The method of claim 2, said step of determining further comprising the step of: fitting a Gaussian curve to a plurality of outp...
Similar to planar X-ray imaging, X-ray projection in a CT scanner also uses a transmission-based technique; X-rays emitted from a source pass through objects and are projected onto a detector(s) (Fig. 63.2A). The X-ray source that is used in a micro-CT system can usually produce X...
In X-ray crystallography, integrated intensities of the diffraction peaks are used to reconstruct the electron density map within the unit cell in the crystal. To achieve high accuracy in the reconstruction, which is done by Fourier transforming the diffraction intensities with appropriate phase assignm...