X-ray, or X-radiation, is a form of electromagnetic radiation that can pass through many materials that are opaque to light. They can be used to take images of the inside of the human body.
An x-ray source for computer tomography uses several sub-sources. An electron beam impacts the several sub-sources to achieve a high x-ray flux with high resolution. The several sub-sources produce a composite image, which is deconvolved to disentangle the composite image and render a useful ...
Explore efficient 2D X-ray solutions for at-line and inline CT applications. Optimize inspections with our cutting-edge industrial radiography technology.
In this paper, the traditional useful MCP gated X-ray framing technique and the recent dilation X-ray framing technology are both described. Furthermore, the all-solid framing technology and all-optical solid-state framing technology are prospected....
The simulation is based on ray-tracing and on the X-ray attenuation law. The use of Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) models enables simulations to be carried out with complex three-dimensional (3D) objects. 模拟的数据基于cad模型,模拟xray光线追踪(实际上这篇文章只用到了光线投射,不考虑其他反射之类的...
Imaging of biological materials and cells with X-ray microscopy, which has high application potential, can break the diffraction limit barrier of traditional optical microscopy and exceed the transmission depth of electron microscopy. In this study, we introduce the examples of X-ray microscopy technol...
X-ray telescope, instrument designed to detect and resolve X-rays from sources outside Earth’s atmosphere. Because of atmospheric absorption, X-ray telescopes must be carried to high altitudes by rockets or balloons or placed in orbit outside the atmosp
医学影像物理学课件 02-X-ray imaging Chapter2X-rayimaging l895年底,伦琴发表了《论新的射线》的报告,并展示了他的妻子的手指骨x射线的照片。这是第一张X射线照片,拍摄了伦琴夫人的手 成像原理 m mk3Z •Differenttissue/organhavedifferentabsorptioncoefficientanddensity muscle(Hydrogen,Oxygen,Carbon)Bone(...
现在,我们克服了球管的局限性,通过超快速工业激光器(ultrafast industrial lasers),小型台式X射线源(compact bench-scale X-ray source)也能提供更高的X射线功率、出色的空间分辨率和超短的X射线脉冲(ultrashort X-ray pulses )。” Rose-Petruck表示,其相位对比成像技术(Phase Contrast Imaging technique)可以在X...
医学影像学专业英语X-RAY IMAGING