The distinction between X-rays and gamma rays is not so simple and has changed in recent decades. According to the currently valid definition, X-rays are emitted by electrons outside the nucleus, whilegamma rays are emitted by the nucleus. For X-ray...
What is the difference between monochromatic and polychromatic radiation? Which light has a longer wavelength, x-ray, or gamma ray ? Which among the following has the highest penetrating power? a) \alpha - rays b) \beta - rays c) \gamma - rays d) cathode - rays ...
r-ray sourcesr-ray burstsUsing the discriminant analysis of the multivariate statistical analysis we compared the distribution of the physical quantities of the optically dark and bright GRBs, detected by the BAT and XRT on board of the Swift Satellite. We found that the GRBs having detected ...
1. What Is the Difference Between an X-Ray and a CT Scan? While the difference between CT scan and x-ray is minor, it’s also significant. Doctors use x-rays to detect dislocations and fractures of bones as well as detect cancers and pneumonia. However, CT scans are a type of advanc...
18/11/03 Difference between Gamma and X-Ray Irradiation ® RadTag The vast majority of blood irradiators in North America use radioactive Cesium-137 to provide gamma ray irradiation to the blood products. Cesium-137 is a convenient material with a long ...
Starting from 1960s, a great number of missions and experiments have been performed for the study of the high-energy sky. This review gives a wide vision o
The discovery of long-lasting (~100 s) X-ray flares following short gamma-ray bursts initially called into question whether they were truly classical short-hard bursts. Opinion over the last few years has coalesced around the view that the short-hard bursts arise from the merger of pairs of...
We present four X-ray/γ-ray spectra of Cyg X-1 observed in the hard ('low') state simultaneously by Ginga and GRO OSSE on 1991 June 6. The four spectra have almost identical spectral form but vary in normalization within a factor of 2. The 3-30keV Ginga spectra are well represented...
γ射线 (Gamma ray) ,又称γ粒子流,是原子核能级跃迁退激时释放出的射线,是波长短于0.1埃的电磁波(1埃=10m),能量高于124keV,频率超过30EHz(3×10Hz)。γ射线有很强的穿透力,工业中可用来探伤或流水线的自动控制。γ射线对细胞有杀伤力,医疗上用来治疗肿瘤。γ射线是电磁波的一种,频率比X射线更...