This course is primarily concerned with the x-ray crystallography of powders. In course materials you will commonly find X-ray Diffraction, X-ray powder diffraction, and the abbreviation XRD used interchangeably. Though intellectually somewhat sloppy, it is also common practice.Uses of X-Ray ...
相干X射线衍射成像(coherent X-ray diffraction imaging, CXDI or CDI)是在X射线晶体学基础上发展的一种成像技术, 它摆脱了对X射线聚焦元件的依赖, 也称为无透镜成像技术[6], 其成像分辨率仅与X射线的波长和衍射角有关, 理论上能达到原子尺度的分辨率[7,8]. 1999 年 Miao 等[9]首次成功实现 CDI 成像, 用...
The crystal structure of the as-prepared Ru-WO3−x/CP catalyst was examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) as shown in Fig. 2b. The Ru-WO3−x/CP displays clear diffraction peaks of hexagonal WO3 (JCPDS No. 85−2460)42, but no diffraction peaks related to Ru NPs, possibly due to ...
Post-deposition atomic force microscopy (Asylum MFP-3D) and X-ray diffraction (Bruker D8 Discover) was used to confirm that the films are polycrystalline with (111) orientation in all cases. Simulated mound scattering intensities and correlations ...
X-ray diffractionStructural properties of RMn 2 hydrides (R = Y, Gd or Dy) have been studied by means of powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) at 300 K and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) at 300 K and low temperatures. It was found that at 300 K the lattice parameters ...
deformation of algan-superlattice layers according to x ray diffraction data根据射线衍射数据对Algan GaN超晶格层进行变形.pdf,RNKyutt,MPShcheglov,VYuDavydov,andASUsikov,authorsofDeformationofAlGaNGaNSuperlatticeLayersAccordingtoXrayDiffractionData,PhysTran
Wulff, Ultrafast x-ray diffraction of transient molecular structures in solution, Science 309 (5738) (2005) 1223–1227. [22] M. Rasmusson, A. N. Tarnovsky, T. Pascher, V. Sundstro¨m, E. Akesson, Photodissociation of CH2ICH2I, CF2ICF2I, and CF2BrCF2I in solution, J. Phys. ...
X-ray diffraction computed tomography of fuel cell during the thermal cycling. Row 1: Red green blue (RGB) images showing the distribution of the main SOFC components during the thermal cycling test (red: YSZ, green: LSM and blue: NiO/Ni). Row 2: the Ni unit cell lattice parameter a ...
commercial sample of pure anatase TiO2nanopowder (MK Impex Corp.) (Fig. 1b). A systematic TEM study of different samples additionally shows that the amount of anatase and rutile phases present in the mixture is not equivalent. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of all samples (not shown...