Moeck, Peter. "X‐ray Diffraction (XRD)" XRD. Portland State University, 31 Mar. 2004. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Rakovan,J. Rocks Miner . 2004Moeck, P. (2004). X-ray diffraction (XRD).,
在实验中,基于GeorgePorter提出的时间分辨测量原理[77],人们发展了基于同步辐射的时间分辨X射线铁磁共振方法(time-resolved X-ray detected ferromagnetic resonance,TR-XFMR)[78],以及结合铁磁共振和磁二色原理,用同步加速器时钟的微波泵浦激发磁性样品的自旋进动,再用磁二色方法测量信号,通过...
The review of the surface-sensitive X-ray diffraction methods including surface X-ray diffraction and X-ray standing wave method is presented. The discussion is illustrated by numerous examples of applications of these methods in different fields of science and technology. Instrumentation and X-ray ...
In subject area: Physics and Astronomy Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction is a technique used to determine the atomic structure of materials by analyzing the diffraction pattern produced when a single crystal is exposed to X-ray radiation.
晶体X射线衍射的劳厄公式(Von Laue Formulation of X-Ray Diffraction by a Crystal) 我们暂时抛开布拉格方法的假定,重新构建起散射模型:布拉维格子中的每个格点\bm{R}都可以向空间中的各个方向散射X射线。所有散射波相干叠加,对于给定波长\lambda的X射线,只有在散射波相干增强的方向才能观察到衍射峰。当然,这里还预设...
Proto provides x-ray diffraction systems and services to help you characterize your materials. Whether you work in powder diffraction, Laue single-crystal orientation, or residual stress, find out how we can help you optimize your experiments and get the
2.5.3X-Ray Diffraction X-ray diffractionis an important tool for studying bothamorphousand semi-crystalline polymers [36,37]. It can be used to analyze many features of the microstructure of the material, includinglattice parameters, presence of imperfections,crystallographic orientations(texture), an...
Department of PhysicsContemporary PhysicsCullity, B.D.: Elements of X-Ray Diffraction. Addison-Wesley, Reading (1978)Cullity BD. Elements of X2ray Diffraction [ M ] . New York : Addison2Wesley Publishing Company , 1966. 1978.B.D. Cullity, Elements of X-ray Diffraction, Addison-Wesley ...
X-ray computed tomography (CT) is a commercially established modality for imaging large objects like passenger luggage. CT can provide the density and the effective atomic number, which is not always sufficient to identify threats like explosives and nar