X-Plane scenery packs are loaded in priority order; in order to ensure that you see your payware or custom scenery, it must be higher priority than the global airports. The system for prioritizing scenery packs changed in X-Plane 10.20, so please read this carefully!
Develop Airport Scenery for X‑Plane Together we can build something truly spectacular, and have a lot of fun along the way Looking for a creative and fun way to unleash your inner artist? You've come to the right place! Here you can find the tools and methods needed tocreate stunning...
Search There are 40678 airports. Sort byDate recommendedDate approvedNameAirport identifier IDICAOAirport NameCountryLast recommended scenery3D LPLALPLALajesPortugalAndrey Boyarskyon February 22, 20253D XUK001SIzyaslavUkrainenb7on February 22, 20253D ...
R2, sceneryX等,这些地景属于最低层的地景,用于直接覆盖X-Plane默认地景的;这也就是为什么说安装X-Plane时可以选择最小地景安装,因为如果选择的基础地景是全球版本的,那么无论X-Plane默认是否安装,这些基础地景都会把X-Plane默认的东西覆盖掉,哪怕原来都是海水的地方 ...
7. 还没完事,开始编辑xplane custom scenery中的scenery_packs.ini配置文件,顺序我说了不知道多少遍了,顺序如下:a类,第三方机场地景b类, 原装机场地景c类,各类地景Library库d类,如果你有w2xp地景库放这一层级e类,orth4xp overlaysf类,orth4xp 各个区块,顺序无所谓8. 最后说一下,最好把opensceneryX及各类常用...
至于scenery ini里面的排序,以下是基本原则,大家自己把握吧1,机场(egll,eglc,london vfr,gbpro放这一层,按这个顺序放,如果你把gbpro放london vfr前面了,那么london vfr自带建筑物就被gbpro盖住了)2,library(所有library放这一层)3,world2xp(world-models和其他地区的w2xp放这一层)4,mesh(hd v3地皮放这一层...
The X-Plane Scenery Tools (XPTools) code base is the source code tree for all of the Laminar Research scenery creation/editing tools. This does not include X-Plane, Plane Maker, or Airfoil Maker. It does include source to WorldEditor (WED), and our global scenery generator RenderFarm, an...
This category covers expansions, mods, and add-ons that improve, replace or add extra scenery areas to your copy of X-Plane 12 or X-Plane 11 (or XP12/XP11 as it's known in the community).Screenshot showing the Arizona photoreal scenery in X-Plane....
【X-Plane 1..大家有没有发现这个问题,以往我在scenery_packs.ini里面暂时删掉不想加载的机场和地景,保存后加载xplane,它不会自动修改我编辑过的scenery_packs.ini。但升级到10.4
There are 40668 airports. Sort byDate recommendedDate approvedNameAirport identifier IDICAOAirport NameCountryLast recommended scenery3D EKVGEKVGVágarFaroe IslandsJulian Lockwoodon February 11, 20253D RPMZRPMZZamboanga IntlPhilippinesch4dwickon February 10, 20253D ...