The freeware camera plugin that adds G-Force, engine vibrations, ground roll and many more other effects to X-Plane. Read more Reality Expansion Pack Get a complete simulation of the on-board systems, ultra-realistic ground & flight dynamics, a damages and maintenance system and become a bette...
作为一款PC平台运行的飞行模拟器,X-Plane和其他同类软件一样拥有强大的扩展性。的确,仅在X-Plane.org这一平台上,就有至少上百种插件提供下载或购买。由于绝大多数的免费插件(Freeware)以优化功能居多,且数量庞大,本文章在此只针对付费插件进行讨论。 即便都是付费插件,其质量也良莠不齐。拿两大机模插件商FlightFac...
The X-Plane Freeware Forums, a great place to go for free aircraft & scenery downloads. The Forums, featuring a large discussion community and an expansive file library., the forums “for all things X-Plane.”’s X-Plane site, which features almost... CDB Library Cemetery Library Devinci Library https://forums.x-plane....
Try the X-Plane demo and then I recommend looking at for freeware as well as payware to see if anything jumps out at you. As for Orbx, I have their latest Monument scenery and it's really quite nice :). With XP though, its harder for third parties as the default...
Q. Will freeware still work? Yes! We will still load scenery packs, aircraft and plugins just like before – if the add-on is not a store add-on, it will load as normal. Q. Will authors who sell on the X-Plane store have to sell exclusively on the store?
Sergey Dovnar aka Slyder, Sergio Català, Sergio Santagada, Sevo,, shilova, shizumaat, Splendor Bouman, Stephen Legg, Steve Mills,, The Beluga Project, Tom Kyler, Tony Brown, William Bigio, X-Plane® Freeware Project, XPFW, XPushback Plugin Project and ye...
OverlayEditor (OverlayEditor.exe). DSF overlay is a free software program that allows you to edit X-Plane DSF overlay scenery packages for X-Plane 8...
makes compared to what an X-Plane developer makes is not even comparable, and the amount of time it takes to develop high end packages is considerable. My hat is off to anybody who can find the time to dedicate to making this hobby more enjoyable for the rest of us, freeware and pay...
X-Plane 12 moves some work that used to be on the CPU to the GPU (looking at you, ocean waves!), and virtually all new computing work in X-Plane 12 is on the GPU. When we discussed this before Early Access, there was a lot of teeth gnashing. “You’re gonna use more GPU power...