HiFi Simulation Technologies' Active Sky XP weather simulation engine for X-Plane 12 - on sale now from the Just Flight website!
https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/49564-baron-58-updatehttps://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/49833-kingair-c90b-updatehttps://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/49700-stinson-l5-update 可选:https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/59740-b747...
SimAdditions, X-Plane 12 Plugins & Addons, Home of VisualXP the new weather engine and enhancement plugin for X-Plane 12...
XPD-14614 – Bug report “Cessna 172 Suction Gauge Visual Does Not Match Dataref”. XPD-14617 – Bug report “X-Plane 12 logbook not recording any Cross Country flight time.”. XPD-14619 – Bug report “Laminar Supercub PlaneMaker Model Error”. ...
一条崩溃信息,显示VisualXP插件造成了此崩溃事件 了解以上内容,就基本可以通过log文件自行分析一些常见的崩溃了。 3.偶发的非正常崩溃 虽然log文件通常会忠实地记录下X-Plane运行时的各种事件,但X-Plane有时会出现无法在log文件中追溯的崩溃。这类崩溃事件多数会表现为模拟器窗口突然消失,并且查阅log文件无法找到崩溃信...
XPD-14531 - Planemaker ignores settings for body parts attached to landing gear Fix crash when popping out and full-screening offscreen windows Now you can put more than 2 engines on a helicopter... no physics changes, just some tweaks in the UI of PLN to make that a bit more clear ...
X-Plane 12 moves some work that used to be on the CPU to the GPU (looking at you, ocean waves!), and virtually all new computing work in X-Plane 12 is on the GPU. When we discussed this before Early Access, there was a lot of teeth gnashing. “You’re gonna use more GPU power...
1X-Plane-12.0.8-rc-3 1.1Bug fixes: 2X-Plane-12.0.8-rc-2 2.1Bug fixes: 3X-Plane-12.0.8-rc-1 3.1Bug fixes: 4X-Plane-12.0.8-beta-3 4.1Bug fixes: 5X-Plane-12.0.8-beta-2 5.1Bug fixes: 6X-Plane-12.0.8-beta-1 6.1Bug fixes: ...
名称: X-Plane 12 Add-on: Aerosoft - Airport Berlin-Tegel 类型: 模拟 开发商: PAD-Labs, Stairport Sceneries 发行商: Aerosoft GmbH 发行日期: 2024 年 5 月 28 日 访问网站 查看更新记录 阅读相关新闻 查找社区组 嵌入 DLC 此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏 X-Plane 12 才能畅...
Beta 5 of X-Plane 12 Early Access is available on Steam & through the Laminar Research installer. You should be prompted to auto update the next time you launch the sim, if you haven’t already.Here is a link to Early Access release notes. ...