您可以直接从 Laminar Research 以 79.99 美元的价格购买DVD 版 X-Plane 12(https://www.x-plane.com/product/x-plane-12-dvd-set/)。 如果您住在欧洲,也可以从 Aerosoft 的商店(https://www.aerosoft.com/en/shop/x-plane/x-plane-12/4027/x-plane-12)购买 DVD 版。 什么是新的 光度学、HDR 光照引...
Access to X-Plane 12 without time limits Free internet updates for all versions of 12.xx When you purchase the X-Plane 12 DVD Set, we will ship you the physical DVDs. You will use this DVD set each time you want to access X-Plane. ...
X-Plane12将于12月正式推出完整版, DVD版将于2023年初发布。 X-Plane 12 几个月来一直处于“抢先体验”状态,在此期间发布了多个更新,修复了错误并添加了新飞机。然而,Laminar Research 现在距离 X-Plane 12 作为完整版本发布只有几周的时间了。 为了庆祝这一点,该团队已委托 AviationLads 为 X-Plane 12 制作...
X-Plane不是一个游戏,它没有一关一关的难题要你去攻克,用这个软件你只要做一件事,就是体验飞行驾驶。因为X-Plane就是一个程序工具,能够模拟和预测飞行器特性达到令人难以置信的精度。X-Plane 10是这套飞行模拟软件的最新版本,它包括8张DVD光盘,提供了全世界的地形图。如何安装 X-Plane 10? 怎么安装程序运行...
X-Plane 12 GlobalThe standard X‑Plane simulator is the retail copy of X‑Plane. It requires one X‑Plane 12 Disc 1 DVD or one digital download product key for each copy of X‑Plane on the network, and nothing else. For additional information on the digital download version of X...
【外交】xplane..RT,X-Plane 10是一款由Laminar Research设计开发,运行在Linux,Mac或Windows等平台上的个人专业模拟飞行游戏X-Plane Level 2以上的版本被FAA认证,
Note:All of the mods and files listed here work withall versionsof X-Plane 11 including the Steam version and DVD/boxed versions. UPDATE:We are currently updating this article to include full coverage of the latest X-Plane 12 released in September 2022. Add-ons will be marked as compatible...
Hopefully, the upgrade to DVD’s will not break the bank, I have very slow internet. Thank you. Csongor says: May 25, 2022 at 1:24 pm “X-Plane 12 will release in public beta and we will test it. Laminar will fix all the bugs reported or at least investigate them from the ...
You can always upgrade to the very latest X-Plane from any DVD, and all of the DVD sets contain the entire set of version 9 global scenery. So even if you have Beta 1, you can get “the very latest and greatest” with a web update. ...