This chapter will gloss over a great deal of background information, and configuration of many non-essential options will be skipped entirely. It assumes that the computer X‑Plane is being installed on is capable of running the simulator with its default rendering options. For the latest ...
Everything in X-Plane operates from real world physics. Aircraft handling, ground effect, wind gusts, and more will give you the most accurate flight sim experience possible.Try it today! Detailed World and Atmosphere As you explore the X-Plane world, the weather, water, light, 3-D forests...
Distribution This document may be copied and distributed by Laminar Research customers and developers, for entertainment. It may also be distributed with third-party content developed for X-Plane 11.Tutorial This document has been created as a companion to the official S-TEC 55 autopilot tutorial ...
X-PLANE 11 is not recognizing perfectly my joystick SAITEK X52 PRO FLIGHT. In my PC I’ve installed two products from SAITEK: X52 PRO FLIGHT and PRO FLIGHT RUDDER PEDALS. RUDDER PEDALS are recognized very well and offers at X-Plane 11 configuration window the correct image and correct option...
塞斯纳 150 通勤者 X-PLANE 11 VFLYTEAIR SIMULATIONS INC 立即评价 反软件盗版警告 保护您的购买 您购买的飞行模拟器插件在国际上受到版权保护。这确保了创作者的权利得到维护,他们的创新作品得到保护。 为什么软件盗版对所有人都有害 软件盗版破坏了开发者的奉献和创造力。当您下载或分发盗版插件时,会影响创作者...
在X-Plane 官方地景制作工具 WorldEditor 的用户手册中,创建一个新机场后往其中画的第一个可视组件就是跑道。 然而,作为可能是 WorldEditor 中最复杂(指属性最多)的组件,跑道给了啥也不懂的初学者(比如咱)当头一棒,并一脚将其踹出了地景制作的大门。尽管手册相对详细的给出了各属性的含义,但显然有的属性(灯光...
X-Plane 11 In addition to the main zip file, X-Plane 11 users should extract the "", overwriting the files contained in the installation zip. This file contains older versions of certain objects where the new ones are not XP11 compatible. Please note, less and...
of their manufacturers. Problems can arise from the fact that this plane uses a lot of custom datarefs that are not known for device drivers. If you contact our tech support – we can help with information about datarefs (may be), but we cant help you with drivers or configuration files...
[y/n]:y Info: The mode has been changed to dcn-management-plane mode successfully. This operation will take effect after reboot. active port-basic ap 命令功能 active port-basic ap命令用来激活指定AP设备上端口基本硬件license。 undo active port-basic ap命令用来去激活指定AP设备上端口基本硬件...