Kalitta has used X‑Plane to train their pilots to fly freight 747s in the middle of the night. Northwest and Japan Airlines use X‑Plane for flight review and training. Cessna uses X‑Plane to train new customers in the intricacies of the Garmin G1000. Dave Rose has used X‑...
Microsoft improved the Multiplayer mode by moving it to speedy servers in the cloud. They also added voice-over IP and other features. For example, “Shared Skies” lets a user have another player sit in the cockpit with them (assuming the plane design allows this)--useful for professional ...
ANA Boeing 747 add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator X New Features There are a plethora of new graphics that are contained in this 2006 release of simulation games. Some of these improved graphics include enhanced texture resolution, new Earth model facilitating polar flights, region-specific textu...