If X-Plane.app is installed by any method other than via the Laminar Research installer, it can be flagged for quarantine by OS X. This can happen if the app is moved via USB, or downloaded from the internet, such as from cloud storage. Being quarantined can in turn lead to the app...
Boundless Announces Glasgow Prestwick Airport for X-Plane 11 & 12 By Cameron, in Scenery, March 2, 2024 Boundless has announced the development of Glasgow Prestwick Airport (EGPK) for X-Plane 11 and 12. As the second busiest airport in Glasgow, Scotland, it serves an average of 445,...
Develop X-Plane plugins in .NET. pluginc-sharpcsharpdotnetx-plane UpdatedDec 25, 2022 C# foucdeg/airspaces Sponsor Star46 Code Issues Pull requests An online app to view your X-Plane flight aviationmapivaox-planeflight-simulation UpdatedApr 11, 2023 ...
本吧热帖: 1-[公告]关于撤销 老王147258123 吧主管理权限的说明 2-求助 谁有XV-15的模型 3-各位大神进来看看,X-Plane 11小白在输入密匙激活时出现的问题?? 4-x-plane11免费教学 5-求xplane11导出数据 6-地面一下雪就这样一块一块的雪景怎么办 7-新人求助,小平板是插件吗
本吧热帖: 1-[公告]关于撤销 老王147258123 吧主管理权限的说明 2-有没有洛阳的地景,有偿 3-飞友大佬们来看看 4-打不开怎么办 5-新手,xp12需要下什么插件 6-有没有mac玩家 7-关于x-plane connect插件 ,求大佬解答 8-求助 谁有XV-15的模型
The VMAX/FlightFactor 777 v1 aircraft went on to be one of the most successful Simulations in X-Plane, with -200ER, -200LR, -300ER, -200F (Freighter) variants added later. But by the early 2020's the design was getting very long in the tooth, eight years in X-Plane...
Køb X-Plane 11 - Add-on: Aerosoft - Airport Daytona Beach International XP ¥ 92.00 Læg i kurv Om dette indhold Florida Calling! Fly into Daytona Beach International, take a Spring Break at the Beach or watch the race at the adjacent Speedway Track.This...
11.20 is a major update to X-Plane 11 that includes native virtual reality (VR). Instructions on how to get started with the VR beta are available here.New features and improvements Native VR now supported. Higher performance graphics code enabled for AMD drivers. Updated aircraft for VR, ...
I'm using X-Plane 11 with integrated UHD770 graphics and have graphic errors under Vulkan in addon planes and plugins. The graphics display is perfect under OpenGL, but much slower. In my opinion, the problem in another post here is very similar to my concern. I've tried several versions...
Software: - Windows 11 Pro - X-Plane 12.09rc5 (This is a Release Candidate review). Plugins: Traffic Global -JustFlight-Traffic(X-Plane.OrgStore) US$52.99:Global SFD pluginUS$30.00 Scenery or Aircraft - EGKA - Shoreham - Brighton City Airport by NKdesign (X-Plane.orgStore) US...