【X-Plane11】:你们要的带制作来了!(zibo737的日常混剪) 890 0 03:18 App 【X-Plane11】:IXEG737-300低能见度进近KSAN(全自动落地) 6417 5 06:05 App 【X-Plane11】:最高画质!4K 60FPS测试!启德着陆! 2464 8 01:05 App 【X-Plane11】:史上最重的重着陆,没有之一! 354 0 06:35 App 【...
Boeing 737 landing in X-Plane Flight Simulator ASK21 - 2023-08-31 13.03.53 ASK21 - 2023-08-31 12.54.05 ASK21 - 2023-08-31 12.50.25 ASK21 - 2023-08-31 12.47.49 ASK21 - 2023-08-31 12.44.59 ALIA-250 - 2023-09-01 14.46.02 ...
X-Plane11 737落地栎社机场-康复训练阿穆尔河长流水 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 651 0 00:51 App 宁波栎社机场进近频率记录 46 0 18:32 App X-PLANE11宁波栎社机场本场飞行,起落架给砸断了 147 1 14:31 App X-Plane11 ZGGG纯手搓本场飞行(瞎飞) 486 0 10:32 App X-plane ...
X-Plane可满足从家庭娱乐到商业飞行训练的各种用途。标准版本是X-Plane 11,这一版本的内容几乎足以满足一切家庭娱乐需求。超出家庭娱乐用途的情况(包括在商用模拟器中使用)要求用户购买USB“钥匙”(一个简单闪存驱动器)或用于解锁X-Plane专业版本的密钥用于数字下载。请注意,模拟器的FAA认证不仅要求用户拥有X-Plane 11...
The 400 variant is the most common passenger version in service. It has an intercontinental range of 7,260 nautical miles and can accommodate between 416-660 passengers. Details Boeing 737-800 This aircraft in the X-Plane Mobile app is a narrow-bodied, short- to medium-range airliner. It...
XP12 将启用新的自然光照系统:https://developer.x-plane.com/2021/11/photometric-lighting-what-is-...
There’s plenty to see in X-Plane 11, then. However, that’s not all that this brings to the table.What else can you expect if you decide to pick up this revolutionary new flight simulator release today? Major Features One of the best new add-ons is that of the new simulated system...
Importing Navigraph Flight Plans into X-Plane 11's Default B 737 FMC I run X-plane 11 via Steam. How do I get a Navigraph flight plan into the basic B 737 flight computer?... 1 2258 ianstephens on Aug 27, 2023Waszkiewicz Ortho4XP v1.3.0 - for Mac user. Hello, I am new to...