X-plane10中无意的一次着陆,主起落架接地时还不错,可惜前轮没有控制好,后面开反推时出现了轻微的弹跳 视频播放量 363、弹幕量 3、点赞数 12、投硬币枚数 4、收藏人数 5、转发人数 3, 视频作者 南小街坤坤, 作者简介 阿瓦达啃大瓜,相关视频:(simple planes )中華航空
Download Alabeo's excellent Pitts Special S2 add-on for X-Plane from the Just Flight website - a superb aerobatic biplane!
X plane 10 used to be the best game that you could get for people like me who like planes, and the only game that I could play at a camp site and in power cuts because didn’t need to have WiFi or internet access. There were only a few maps that were small, and only 2 free ...
xplane108.8 years ago 2 Old Fashion fighter biplane xplane107.6 years ago 2 The xplane 9000 xplane109.0 years ago 2 Water tycoon xplane108.8 years ago 2 Midland NOAA weather radio replica xplane107.5 years ago 1 Stupid wheeeeeel xplane107.5 years ago...
Operating System Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows 11 User Rating Click to vote Author / Product X-Plane Team / External Link X-Plane is the world’s most advanced flight simulator software for your Windows PC! With a brand new user interface, a new level of quality in...
Although the rivers in X-Plane 10 like the roads are fully mapped, with fantastic water detail; couldn't for the life of me find the falls at all!? Even crossed referenced aerial photos from Google Maps to help me. Can anyone tell me if they've seen the Falls on X-Plane 10, or ...
根据美国军事杂志 《War zone》 的报道,特朗普推出的美国第六代战机 F-47,是波音和洛克希德·马丁公司联手打造的 X-Planes 原型机! 波音公司和洛克希德马丁公司各自制造了一架 X-plane,以赢得下一代空中优势计划的载人战术战斗机部分。 其中,一架演示机于 2019 年首次飞行,另一架于 2022 年升空。空军参谋...
Introduction to X‑Plane MobileWelcome to the world of airliners, general aviation planes, helicopters, and fighters—all in one app, and all optimized to fill beautiful, high-resolution mobile device screens. X‑Plane Mobile is the most complete and realistic mobile flight simulator available....
Fixed for Beta 10:Fuel consumption matches 10.36 for old planes not saved in 10.40. This fixes the JAR Designs A330 and FlightFactor 757. Billboard lights for legacy planes match X-Plane 10,36. (Bug 1731.) Transponder commands fixed. (Fixes Carenado planes and Saitek plugin.) Range select...
It doesn’t really say a lot because I feel like the difference can easily explained away by the fact that a lot of airliners and third party planes in general simply don’t work in X-Plane 11 yet. But I would LOVE to see this again in a year or so down the line when X-Plane ...