解决方案 基于V4签名的请求URL中包括4个必选参数(x-oss-signature-verion,x-oss-credential,x-oss-expires 和 x-oss-signature)以及1个可选参数(x-oss-additional-headers)。正确填写示例如下:GET/oss.jpg?x-oss-signature-verion=... 0002-00000220 解决方案 基于V4签名的请求URL中包括4个必选参数(x-oss...
x-oss-process=if_status_eq_404{hls/ts,from_b3V0cHV0L21lZGlhLm0zdTg}&x-oss-expires=1710457284&x-oss-signature-version=OSS2&x-oss-access-key-id=*fEAub*&x-oss-signature=*VR3gy*#EXTINF:10.000,media-c14709808479b31566b50f2f8b93... ...
亚马逊云科技合作伙伴解决方案架构师,亚马逊云科技User Group Leader,多年云计算经验,csdn/阿里云等平台...
Snyk has created this PR to upgrade multiple dependencies. 👯 The following dependencies are linked and will therefore be updated together. ℹ️ Keep your dependencies up-to-date. This makes it easier to fix existing vulnerabilities and to more quickly identify and fix newly disclosed vulnerabi...
Snyk has created this PR to upgrade express from 4.18.2 to 4.21.1. ℹ️ Keep your dependencies up-to-date. This makes it easier to fix existing vulnerabilities and to more quickly identify and fix newly disclosed vulnerabilities when they affect your project. ...
proxy_set_header REMOTE-HOST $remote_addr;add_header X-Cache $upstream_cache_status;#Set Nginx Cache add_header Cache-Control no-cache;expires 12h;} #PROXY-END/ nignx反向代理设置完毕。13、Supervisor管理器,运行 php think swoole 14、多站点安装 修改 config/swoole.php文件,第十行的端口数字。
上述为基本运营配置,实际使用中,如用户量较大造成服务器负载较高,可以优先考虑将数据库更换为独立云数据库,图片等OSS存储,负载均衡等方案。 7、禁用函数 删除函数proc_open 8、PHP扩展 安装扩展插件 fileinfo、redis、swoole4 9、增加swoole_loader配置
The node where the client is to be installed must have the NTP service enabled and synchronized time with the server. Otherwise, client installation will fail. You install the client as userrootor any OS user. The user must have the operation permission on the client file storage directory an...
上述为基本运营配置,实际使用中,如用户量较大造成服务器负载较高,可以优先考虑将数据库更换为独立云数据库,图片等 OSS 存储,负载均衡等方案。 7、禁用函数 删除函数 proc_open 8、PHP 扩展 安装扩展插件 fileinfo、redis、swoole4 9、增加 swoole_loader 配置 ...
上述为基本运营配置,实际使用中,如用户量较大造成服务器负载较高,可以优先考虑将数据库更换为独立云数据库,图片等OSS存储,负载均衡等方案。 7、禁用函数 删除函数proc_open 8、PHP扩展 安装扩展插件 fileinfo、redis、swoole4 9、增加swoole_loader配置