While battling outside, Beast and Wolverine both go into berserker rages and take down Brotherhood members in large numbers. Logan tells Beast he thought Hank was a diplomat. Hank explains that there comes a time when all men must… he stops mid-sentence to beat up some more mutants and ...
X-Men Wiki Sign In Explore Fan Central Current X-Men #1 X-Men #2 X-Men #3 X-Men #4 X-Men #5 Magneto #1 Magneto #2 Magneto #3 Magneto #4 Magneto #5 TV Many comics have inspired television series, in live action or animated. ...
Beast Rogue Gambit Psylocke Wolverine GOLD TEAM: Jean Grey Storm Iceman Colossus Nightcrawler Archangel NEW MUTANTS: As a whole, theNew Mutantsshould have the same roles as they did in the X-Men evolution series. They are added to make the Xavier Institute seem more populated by having several...
After their graduation,[136] the X-Men were torn apart by the rise of alarming and fanatical anti-movement hysteria.[125] As the group faced these struggles, a future version of Beast came upon the young students to transport them to the future in hopes of inspiring the decadent mutant soc...
X-Men Movies Wiki is an online encyclopedia that anyone can contribute to. We cover everything related to the X-Men film franchise produced by 20th Century Fox.
“Okay, X-Men! There's no need for anymore pretending! I intend to defeat you all! And, rest assured -- the Mimic has the power to do it!” Featured Characters: X-Men ⏴ Cyclops (Scott Summers) ⏵ ⏴ Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) ⏵ ⏴ Angel (Warren
“LEGO Marvel X-Men: The X-Mansion”–Comicbook.comcan tell you about this one, too. This set will be packed with details like a Cerebro element, switchable Danger Room items, an exploding cupola, a motorcycle for Wolverine, as well tons of graphical nods to the X-Men franchise. As no...
X-Men: Evolution (2000-2003) was an X-Men animated series that, like Marvel's Ultimate Universe and the movies, rebooted/retooled the universe to one where many important characters were teenagers. This show's setting was Bayville, a generic, fictionaliz
To Start off there is many Characters in Ultimate X-Men. A lot of people deserve time, respect, ect. I am picking the most screen time characters with
There were interesting things going on for Waid to write. Beast was replaced with his evil version, and Wolverine was going through a weird time as he mutated into a monster with no nose for reasons. The soap opera drama is what makes X-Men work, not end-of-the-world spectacle. ...