X 战警传奇 (X-Men Legends) 是以美国知名漫画《X 战警》改编的游戏,在 ps2 和 xbox 上深受玩家好评。是一款 ARPG(动作角色扮演)游戏。 游戏继续延续着众所周知的英雄事迹来保护人性免於邪恶的突变异种的破坏。它结合了对抗游戏的打斗和角色扮演游戏的策略,深度和故事情节,玩家和本书的卡通漫画迷能支配一队自己...
X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse.(PC/PS2/Xbox)(Product/Service Evaluation)Donnelly, Damien
Kitty along with Storm, Colossus and Wolverine are captured by the Hellfire Club and held hostage but was eventually rescued through the efforts of an escaped Kitty and the remaining X-Men, mainly because of Phoenix defeating their leader Emma Frost single handedly.. The members of the Hellfire ...
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