X-men: Cable RM200 RM250 其他資訊 商品狀況 全新 品牌 Toy Biz 刊登時間 超過1年 由ajtoh 分類 在Toys & Games 商品描述 Vintage collectable X-men Cable action figure. 交易方式 瀏覽賣家頁面 Alan 個人檔案詳情 4.8 10 則評價 7年 在旋轉拍賣上 ...
Hasbro Marvel Legends Series X-Men 6-inch Collectible Cable Action Figure Toy, Includes 5 Accessories, For Kids Ages 14 And Up 6-INCH-SCALE COLLECTIBLE FIGURE: Fans and collectors alike can enjoy this Legend Series X-Men Cable 6-inch figure, inspired by the character from the movie. MARVEL...
▼雖然身世和來歷有著很大的差異,不過X人和機堡(Cable)的確也存在不少相似之處,這微妙的細節就讓各位自行咀嚼啦。 ▼人偶本體一樣具備了多重的可動關節,怎麼擺怎麼放都很帥! ▼順便溫馨提醒大家,X戰警的英文務必用「Men」,如果拼成「Man」指的可是這位喔。 ▼「黑暗野獸」(Dark Beast),本名亨利·麥考伊(Henry...
Cable Popular Marvel Legends X-Men Action Figures Item No.: Asst. B8343 No. B8349 Manufacturer: Hasbro Includes: Juggernaut crotch, ammo, 2 rifles Action Feature: n/a Retail: $19.99 Availability: July 2016 Other: Still Popular PREVIOUS RSS NEXT Most of what I know about X-Men comes fro...
X-Men Juggernaut Build-A-Figure Series,角色包括,我們熟悉的Wolverine(狼人)、大受歡迎的Deadpool(死侍)與其好拍檔Cable(電索) 、Ice Man (冰人)、Phoenix(鳳凰)、Havok(衝擊波)、Rogue(羅剎)、Kitty Pryde(幻影猫)與及集齊組裝而成的「撞穿牆」Juggernaut(紅坦克)。有興趣的朋友不妨留意,預計在2016年6 至7 ...
The full list of new X-Men comics arriving in the next few months that you need to get excited about
At the New York Toy Fair 2016 Hasbro press event today, Hasbro finally revealed the seven figures making up this summer’s X-Men Legends wave–including Phoenix, Kitty Pryde, Iceman, Cable and more! I’ll be updating with details and thoughts on these figures throughout the afternoon, but ...
But speaking of “a long time”, here’s a figure that X-Men Animated Series fans have been waiting over 25 years for (no, really): a Jim Lee Jubilee Marvel Legends figure! Ever since I saw “Night of the Sentinels” back in 1992, this is the Jubilation Lee figure that I’ve been...
▼「金鋼狼」(Wolverine),來自2009年《X戰警:金鋼狼》(X-Men Origins: Wolverine)個人傳中身著便服衣著的羅根(Logan)。 ▼ 造型採用了羅根在電影中接受實驗替換全身骨骼後,抗拒抹去記憶的命令而逃(ㄌㄨㄛˇ)亡(ㄅㄣ),接受了熱心農家夫婦的幫助,穿上其子衣褲的多層次混搭風格穿著,整體的呈現相當接近電影中的樣...
-- Cable Peter Scanlan -- Cyclops Marc Sasso -- Fall of the Mutants Greg and/or Tim Hildebrandt -- Gambit Bob Larkin -- Iceman Luis Royo -- Jean Grey Julie Bell -- Mr. Sinister Bob Larkin -- Random Nelson -- Wolverine Dave DeVriesSuspended Animation Cards(Art by Gary Ciccarelli)Includ...