After this revelation, Professor Charles Xavier, the telepathic founder of the X-Men, probed Nate’s mind. Sensing the evil in Xavier that would eventually become the powerful psionic entity Onslaught, Nate lashed out with his powers and pulled Xavier’s psyche from the astral plane. This incid...
introduced a new class of X-Men. This second wave of X-Men included Storm, whose weather-control powers had led to her being worshipped as a goddess; Colossus, a mutant with incredible strength and organic steel skin; Nightcrawler, a blue-skinned mutant with the power to teleport; andWolve...
Welcome to X-men Supreme! Home of Marvel Universe 1015, a fanfiction based series for the X-men. Join Professor Xavier and his team of mutants as they fight to protect a world that hates and fears them!
We are superheroes, we are the X-Men. Our stock in trade is saving the world, and occasionally all creation.Unfortunately, that job comes with a price--that too many of us over the years have had to pay."——Nightcrawler v4 7 来自Android客户端10楼2024-05-17 10:43 回复 ...
his part in the loss of her abilities. Around the same time, Rachel Summers, the daughter of Jean Grey and Cyclops from an alternate future, found herself stuck in the past alongside the X-Men. Rachel quickly joined the team and claimed the powers and the codename of Phoenix as her own...
X-Men: Apocalypse: Directed by Bryan Singer. With James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult. In the 1980s, the X-Men must defeat an ancient all-powerful mutant, En Sabah Nur, who intends to thrive by bringing destruction to the
“Okay, X-Men! There's no need for anymore pretending! I intend to defeat you all! And, rest assured -- the Mimic has the power to do it!” Featured Characters: X-Men ⏴ Cyclops (Scott Summers) ⏵ ⏴ Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) ⏵ ⏴ Angel (Warren
《Guardians of the Galaxy/All-New X-Men: The Trial of Jean Grey》是2014年6月17日Marvel出版的图书,作者是Brian Michael Bendis。内容简介 The arrival of the original X-Men in the present sent shockwaves through the Marvel Universe, but we've only seen the effec...
And Dark Phoenix is the most powerful in the X-Men franchise. 当然,随着好莱坞把超级英雄们一一搬上大银幕。“X战警”成了大家最熟悉的变种人,而“X战警”中最强大的就是拥有凤凰之力(Phoenix Force)的“黑凤凰”。 Jean Grey was the younger daughter of Professor John Grey of the History Department...