Learning Laravel Laravel has the most extensive and thorough documentation and video tutorial library of all modern web application frameworks, making it a breeze to get started with the framework. You may also try the Laravel Bootcamp, where you will be guided through building a modern Laravel ap...
@guest('admin') // The user is not authenticated... @endguestEnvironment DirectivesYou may check if the application is running in the production environment using the @production directive:@production // Production specific content... @endproductionOr...
@guest('admin') // The user is not authenticated... @endguestEnvironment DirectivesYou may check if the application is running in the production environment using the @production directive:@production // Production specific content... @endproductionOr...
The Guest / Authentication Layout In addition to the application layout, Jetstream creates a “guest” layout that is used to define the layout for Jetstream’s authentication-related pages, such as your application’s login, registration, and password reset pages. When using the Livewire stack, ...
- [Guest Users](#guest-users) - [Policy Filters](#policy-filters) - [Authorizing Actions Using Policies](#authorizing-actions-using-policies) - [Via The User Model](#via-the-user-model) - [Via the User Model](#via-the-user-model) - [Via Controller Helpers](#via-controller-helpers) ...
设置布局为horizontal $form->row(function(Form\Row$form){$form->horizontal();...}); 选项卡表单 (tab) 如果表单元素太多,会导致表单页面太长,这种情况下可以使用tab方法来分隔表单: $form->tab('Basic info',function(Form$form){$form->text('username');$form->email('email');})->tab('Profile...
user=guest_IuSyD&page=https://sn741138.wixsite.com/sportsblogbetting1/post/it-s-tied-in-with-conveying-a-reliable-item-volleyball-world-ceo-finn-tayl http://teenstgp.us/cgi-bin/out.cgi?u=https://sn741138.wixsite.com/sportsblogbetting1/post/it-s-tied-in-with-conveying-a-reliable-...
= 正确答案A、DLaravel框架支持的几种数据库系统是()A:SQL ServerB:SQLite C:PostgresD:MySQL正确答案A、B、D在HTML中,用于播放视频与音频文件的元素是() A: video 元素B: move 元素C: play 元素D: audio 元素正确答案A、D以下选项中,有关Bootstrap组件默认样式,描述正确是()A:目前没有方法可以修改Boots...
Blade 是由 Laravel 提供的非常简单但功能强大的模板引擎,不同于其他流行的 PHP 模板引擎,Blade 在视图中并不约束你使用 PHP 原生代码。所有的 Blade 视图最终都会被编译成原生 PHP 代码并缓存起来直到被修改,这意味着对应用的性能而言 Blade 基本上是零开销。Blade 视图文件使用.blade.php文件扩展并存放在resources...