《"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 4: Sleepless》是Rob Bowman导演的一部电影。剧情简介 专攻失眠症治疗的权威医师古里森(Jon Gries 饰)打电话报警失火,消防员赶到现场后未发现任何着火迹象,却发现古里森浑身烧伤死于自己的公寓内。穆德(David Duchovny 大卫·杜楚尼 饰)对此感到不解,请求斯基纳(Mitch ...
The X Files: Created by Chris Carter. With Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Mitch Pileggi, William B. Davis. Two F.B.I. Agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained, while hidden forces work to imp
, The Office, The Vampire Diaries, The West Wing, The X-Files, Veronica Mars, Warehouse 1313 Comments on Monday Madness: Favorite Christmas Episode Top 10 Favorite TV Couples 2012 We have our winners! Our favorite TV couples ultimate showdown has ended, and now it’s time to see which ...
(8)THE TRUTH WAS OUT THERE.“Internet sleuths identify lost ‘X-Files’ song, solving 25-year mystery”reports theWashington Post.(Gift link to article.) Lauren Ancona wasn’t really paying attention to the “X-Files” episode she had on her TV on Monday night. Then she heard the song...
《"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 3: Blood》是David Nutter导演的一部电影。剧情简介 在宾西法尼亚的某个小镇,接连出现7起大屠杀案件,死亡人数达22人。穆德(David Duchovny 大卫·杜楚尼 饰)和斯科莉(Gillian Anderson 吉莲·安德森 饰)受命前往调查。二人发现,现场的电子显示凭借遭到破坏,死者的指甲...
《"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 13: Irresistible》是David Nutter导演的一部电影。剧情简介 一名男子道尼费斯特,对女性的头发与指甲有着不寻常的恋物癖,他喜欢在殡仪馆里偷死人的头发或者是去盗墓。由于坟墓被挖,当地调查员找穆德与史卡利帮忙,穆德很清楚这不是灵异事件,而是人为,史卡利则显然被人心的...
you can see (*ahem*) I’ve already spent an inordinate amount of my imagination on this series. But I can’t go past this point. There has to be an end, Scully. I have now mused and bemused over every episode ofThe X-Filesthat exists in my world, and quite a few that don’...
他们在船上找到船长巴克利,他在酗酒,他告诉他们船在流血,所有的人都老死,不久之后他也死了,穆德在船上抓到一名男子奥拉夫森,他是一名罪犯,在当地非法猎鲸,但他一点也没有老。 经过一晚,穆德,史卡利...(展开全部) "The X Files" Season 2, Episode 19: Død Kalm的演职员· ···(全部 3) R.W...
"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 4: Sleepless,是由Rob Bowman导演,由大卫·杜楚尼,吉莲·安德森,米彻·佩勒吉,雷蒙德·J·巴里主演的电影。为您提供"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 4: Sleepless在线观看、"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 4: Sleepless演员表、"Th