《"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 6: Ascension》是Michael Lange导演的一部电影。剧情简介 遭受枪击的杜恩(Steve Railsback 饰)被送往医院接受治疗,不久后逃脱,并将斯科莉(Gillian Anderson 吉莲·安德森 饰)劫持。这令穆德(David Duchovny 大卫·杜楚尼 饰)焦急万分。杜恩行车途中枪杀警察,警车监控录像...
Lauren Ancona wasn’t really paying attention to the “X-Files” episode she had on her TV on Monday night. Then she heard the song. It played as a character walked into a rural bar,a lilting country trackthat set a soothing tone as a singer crooned: “In my memory you are moonligh...
The X Files: Created by Chris Carter. With Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Mitch Pileggi, William B. Davis. Two F.B.I. Agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained, while hidden forces work to imp
"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 19: Død Kalm的剧情简介· ··· 穆德请史卡利检查一位哈波中尉,他只有二十八岁,但看起来却像八十岁的老公公,史卡利承认这一切很奇怪,她不明白原因。穆德说,在挪威外海有个地点,很多船都在那里失踪,穆德认为那里时间会扭曲,军舰亚顿号遇到了虫洞,使得时间加速,很可能军...
《"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 13: Irresistible》是David Nutter导演的一部电影。剧情简介 一名男子道尼费斯特,对女性的头发与指甲有着不寻常的恋物癖,他喜欢在殡仪馆里偷死人的头发或者是去盗墓。由于坟墓被挖,当地调查员找穆德与史卡利帮忙,穆德很清楚这不是灵异事件,而是人为,史卡利则显然被人心的...
《"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 21: The Calusari》是Michael Vejar导演的一部电影。剧情简介 查理的父母赫维先生太太疼爱弟弟泰格,使他心生不满,过了没多久,泰格脱离妈妈控制,跟着汽球跑,没想到却被游乐场的小火车当场撞死。由于当时在游乐场的人员很多,在其中有人拍了照片,穆德怀疑那个汽球是有...
累计票房 暂无 猫眼电影>电影>“The X Files“Season 3, Episode 2: Paper Clip 介绍 演职人员 奖项 图集 剧情简介 Mulder returns to Skinner and Scully while the deadly pursuit is still at hand. Led by an old photograph of his father and a group of scientists, he and Scully discover more tha...
"The X Files"Season 3, Episode 2: Paper Clip的分集短评 ··· 该剧目前还未确定具体集数,如果你知道,欢迎补充 "The X Files"Season 3, Episode 2: Paper Clip的演职员 ··· ( 全部4 ) John Moore 演员 R.W.古德温 制片人 Toby Lindala 化妆 马克·贝克 视觉特效 "The X Files"Season...
imdb Episode list 这篇剧评可能有剧透 S6.E1 ∙电影《X 档案》(1998)事件发生后,穆德和斯卡利的新老板克什指派特工斯彭德和福利代替他们处理 X 档案。 穆德无视这一点,带着斯卡利去追捕一个狂暴的外星人。S6.E2 ∙一名男子被一种刺耳的声音折磨着,除非他尽快向西行驶,否则他的头可能会爆炸,他劫持了...