心腰部waist of heart 垂位(狭长形;无力形;横位;斜位)心vertical (slender; asthenic; horizontal; oblique) heart 三、腹部平片KUB film 结石calculus 钙化影calcified shadow 阶梯型液平fluid levels with stepladder pattern 液气平面gas-fluid level 膈下游离气体subphrenic free air 四、胃肠道钡剂检查barium ...
心腰部 waist of heart 垂位(狭长形;无力形;横位;斜位)心 vertical (slender; asthenic; horizontal; oblique) heart 三、腹部平片 KUB film 结石calculus 钙化影 calcified shadow 阶梯型液平 fluid levels with stepladder pattern 液气平面 gas-fluid level 膈下游离...
11.心影普遍增大general enlargement of the heart shadow 12.垂位(狭长形;无力形;横位;斜位)心vertical(slender;asthenic;horizontal;oblique)heart 三、腹部平片KUB film 1.结石calculus 2.钙化影calcified shadow 3.液气平面gas-fluid level 4.膈下游离气体subphrenic free air 5.阶梯型液平fluid levels with ...
Para utilizar X-Ray, empieza a retransmitir tus deportes favoritos en el dispositivo que desees. Solo tienes que girar tu dispositivo móvil del modo horizontal al vertical, hacer un clip hacia arriba en tu Fire TV o mando a distancia Roku, o mover el cursor mientras lo ves en tu computa...
12. 垂位(狭长形;无力形;横位;斜位)心 vertical (slender; asthenic; horizontal; oblique) heart 三、腹部平片 KUB film 1.结石 calculus 2.钙化影 calcified shadow 3.液气平面 gas-fluid level 4.膈下游离气体 subphrenic free air 5.阶梯型液平 fluid levels with stepladder pattern ...
With a structure height of approximately 100 µm, the field of view in the vertical direction is limited to one detector pixel row. In the horizontal direction, the field of view is only limited by the grating size to 30 mm, but wider gratings can be fabricated with the same ...
Recently, a novel type of substrate-insensitive growth process called Evolutionary Selection Selective Area Growth (ES-SAG) has been proposed. Here we report the use of X-ray microdiffraction to study the structural properties of GaN microcrystals grown by ES-SAG. Utilizing high resolution in both...
SparkHorizontalAxis Sparkline SparklineGroup SparklineGroups SparkPoints SparkVerticalAxis Speech SpellingOptions Spinner Spinners Style Styles Tab TableObject TableStyle TableStyleElement TableStyleElements TableStyles TextBox TextBoxes TextConnection TextEffectFormat TextFrame TextFrame2 ThreeDFormat TickLabels ...
The beam is then refracted at the horizontal PEEK-dodecane interface and propagates towards the substrate through dodecane. After reflection, the X-ray beam propagates in the direction of the detector through dodecane and PEEK with a similar path to the incident beam. The intensity at the ...
SwipeTableView - Both scroll horizontal and vertical for segment scrollview which have a same header. — 类似半糖、美丽说主页与QQ音乐歌曲列表布局效果,实现不同菜单的左右滑动切换,同时支持类似tableview的顶部工具栏悬停(既可以左右滑动,又可以上下滑动)。兼容下拉刷新,自定义 collectionview实现自适应 contentSize...