如果想更快速地切换到各个视角,可以给Selects the camera with a view ID of x操作绑定上1/2/3...这些数字按键,然后在最开始的那张Control Panel的图里,选中一个视角,点击红框3给选择的视角分配一个ID。保存后,就可以通过该ID对应的按键快速切换到该视角了。 鼠标摇杆 XP11自带一个小小的鼠标摇杆系统,在没...
Thousands of happy users can rsquo t be wrong XPRealistic V2 brings a whole new world of immersion into X-Plane With a growing list of 40 realistic camera and sound effects you will experience X-Plane like never before XPRealistic V2 brings realistic eff
Thousands of happy users can rsquo t be wrong XPRealistic V2 brings a whole new world of immersion into X-Plane With a growing list of 40 realistic camera and sound effects you will experience X-Plane like never before XPRealistic V2 brings realistic eff
此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏X-Plane 11才能畅玩。 下载X-Plane 11 - Global Scenery: Asia 免费 关于此内容 X-Plane 11 Global Scenery: Asia is a free DLC that you can activate thru your Steam Client. It will give you the default Asia Scenery. ...
Water color replacement xp11 1.2 Water Fix and Default fog control xp11 1.1 WebFMC-free-1.6.1 X-Camera_2.4.1 Xchecklist_1_41 XPRealistic_v213 xpuipc_current X-RAAS2 Zibo Tablet iPad Patch - Luft 1.0.2 硬件配置(PC SPECS): CPU: Processor Intel Core i7-9700K @ 3.60GHz eight-core 主...
XPLANE11+ xEnviro v1(环境插件)+X-Camera(视角切换插件)+xgs(接地率插件)+ X-Life(ai机插件)+XFMC高质量机模是需要单独购买,下面推荐值得购买的机模高逻辑插件机推荐:IXEG 737 Classic/Boeing 767-300 ER Professional /Boeing 777 Worldliner Professional /727 Series Study v2/JARDesign Airbus A320 Neo...